
Bullseye. Also, pic related.

For you.

You're funny, in a retarded sort of way.

That's very cool.

I like the way you think. :-)

Thank you, brother. I`ve hearted you while I`m still able, because us old ones are dying out quickly. Cheers always.

Tasty! :-)

As for me, I don't care. I enjoy the taste of mutton. Especially mutton flavoured with apple. It is most savoury. Apple flavouring and sage is best, though. Nothing goes better than sage with apple flavouring.

I'll take the American Cherry version, thank you, and I am prepared to kill both your and my own family, root and branch, to get it. Unfortunately for you, Mario, that also includes you, unless we can work out some sort of sharing deal. That needs a true workshop as a home, with the wheels carefully removed

Agreed. Let us just let it go, and god willing, it shall be forgotten. :-)

Thank you. At least somebody got the joke. :-)

'Loathe' is a verb, and 'loath' is a personal adjective.

Thank you so much for mentioning that. I generally don't bother with the videos they post here, but I watched that one after your comment and am well-pleased. Major props to Brian for digging it up, too. Awesome stuff. :-)


I see no need for further map applications at this point, as Apple maps amply fulfills my needs.

Among pretty much everyone but the fanboys, every time Apple steps into the arena lately they come out looking like even bigger assholes than before, so good on Samsung for keeping up the fight. Apple is its own worst enemy at this point, so let the blood flow.

LOL. That is all. :-)



If the typist is stuck using kinja for any length of time, FUCKING GIGANTIC.