Clearly the creator of the format was fool, then:
Clearly the creator of the format was fool, then:
GIF, as in jif, as in how its creator pronounced it, not with a hard 'g', as in 'goddam ignoramus':
You're like a fucking parrot, you know that? Repeating the same thing over and over, with no idea what the fuck you're saying. Someone needs to throw a towel over your cage.
+100. Very nicely done.
You didn't know me then, but you would find that nothing much about me has changed, except that I now evaluate people differently. If a person is pissing away a large amount of their income every day on something stupid, and they appear to be stupid by virtue (?) of their being stoned every day, then I really have no…
Do the move. You will not regret it. Trust me, even though I am but an internet stranger. Evaluating your life based on others' perceptions of you is not a good thing, and I can attest that a change is as good as a rest, and that change is necessary for us to grow.
"Ugh, I need a spliff."
Please do, sincerely. Like I said, even though it may be nothing serious, abscesses are nothing to fool with, ever. I hate to even tell you this story, because I really don't want you to panic (honest), but I worked with a guy who was only 21 when he died from a burst abscess (the toxin goes pretty much straight into…
You may enjoy this (N.B., the audio is rather loud):,30284/
Gawker blog writers. I still haven't figured out whether many of them are trolls, or genuine simpletons. I definitely lean towards the 'simpleton' explanation, though. :-)
"I have a dull ache in a gummy lump behind my teeth . . ."
Saturday Night Social? Then I believe it's time for the return of... Captain Dongcopter.
Aw, shucks. Right back atcha. :-)
No worries, and a heart for you for being so gracious. Cheers! :-)
Slow news day? You're railing at The Onion, seriously?
Agreed. Seriously outstanding movie.
No. Get back to me when AJ's actually gone. Nice troll, though. 8/10.