
Pubes.... really? LOL

Your the best! If I were on Twitter I’d follow you, but there would have to be one steadfast rule, you don’t tweet me and I don’t tweet you. Imagine it, we would follow each other for years with no data flow of any kind. Total focus, total dedication, total nothing. There, its done, except for that whole become a

More like you were on her hit list, AMIRITE??????!

I have a combo Hate Follow/Random High School Acquaintance but I just can't let her go, it's too fascinating.

I cut my Facebook friends list from 557 to 250 the week before Christmas. I consider it a gift to myself.

There are actually websites based on this information to help you "trim the fat". They tell you when they last tweeted, logged in, etc... The site will automatically unfollow people not active. I think its actually called unfollowers.something. Easy to look up.

Easy to simplify whom to unfriend on this list-