Robb Anybody

I remember speaking to a greek friend about why it took so long for women to get the vote in greece. He said that it was blocked at first based on the idea that people should only vote based on rational thinking and that women, seeing as how they menstruate, have several days a month where they would be unable to

They are fictional characters. The characters themselves aren’t the ones appropriating culture, since they have no agency of their own: it’s the creators and writers who appropriate the culture.


You are part of an ancient thing that doesn’t know what it is, and can’t.

Uhm, you are metaphorizing slavery and in so doing you’re erasing its specificity. No, being a cog in the machine — in an era better than all previous ones in terms of human rights, physical security, and material wellbeing— is nothing like being an actual slave.

Well, you know... if you had waited until you finished playing the main story to write this article... you wouldn’t have written this article.

All the more reason not to go to work...

Because a library has many uses. And wiping the crap out of your brain is just one of them.

Mankind has been imbibing fermented substances since the caveman days, just like many creatures.

You brought this upon yourself. :D