I’m still holding out hope that Trump wins the popular vote but loses the electoral college. Of all the plausible outcomes, it’s the funniest AND arguably the stupidest, so I kinda feel like the universe owes it to us.
I’m still holding out hope that Trump wins the popular vote but loses the electoral college. Of all the plausible outcomes, it’s the funniest AND arguably the stupidest, so I kinda feel like the universe owes it to us.
The chorus was just... awful. You get the throw back to a recognizable 80's song with the change of lyrics from “I want to reach out and grab ya” to “Imma ‘bout to reach in bag, brah” — <<cringing shudder>> If I were of an appropriate age to use such a term, I might say “so cringe” but because I’m Gen-X (like Eminem…
Ha, that headline came to mind for me as well. What’s funny is that he doesn’t even really say anything outrageous in the song in the first place. Like, what’s of note here: a couple of hacky trans jokes that felt like light jabs at worst, the usual tired celebrity references, and... a participation trophy reference…
Going back to my youth, the Onion had a story that stuck with me headlined
I like the video for the most part, but somebody in his inner circle, PLEASE stop him from going back to these terrible punchlines. The interpolation choruses too. The whole throwback angle doesn’t work when he keeps going back to the well that made him fall off in the first place.
So you are saying that a time traveling detective would not be to far fetched then?
I’ve never seen the show and have no idea what it’s about but I find it hard to believe that it wouldn’t be improved by the addition of a time travelling detective.
I’m still annoyed about how ‘woke’ has been taken out of context for agendas in the first place.
Go back to Logic class, because your ‘argument’ is circular and unsound.
I went through the same emotions as you. Honestly, I spent most of episode 2 waiting for the story to shift back to the one I knew. Once I finally strapped myself in, though, I realized it’s not the ride I wanted, but as you said, its the one I needed. It’s been a crazy year. I had my 1 year wedding anniversary, got…
How dare you end this review with the word “truck” and not “truck (truck, truck, truck)“!
He’s 23 in this story.
Well, there goes my plans for The Swiftorcist double feature I was gonna do.
Not sure what your thesis is here. I’m pretty sure the makers of comedies always tried to attract interest in advance, and pretty sure successes still require people to like the films and tell others.
Unless I’m missing something here, this gives us exactly no new information about the movie
you clearly don’t know what working actors make -- the A list stars make money, but rarely do working actors make more than any other job.
Do not edit your content: Never ask yourself “is this boring?” Or “who would actually care about this?” Just post whatever.
Yeah no shit. The story’s about a young girl discovering her sexuality and how it affects the rest of her life, her relationship with her family.
It’s always funny when transphobes say shit like “there are only two genders, I learned that in Biology 101.”