LG makes a few other phones than the V30 you know...
LG makes a few other phones than the V30 you know...
Because stupid fucks like you would probably sprinkle the shit on your tacos. You’re welcome, stupid fuck. I just saved your life. Kneel and kiss the ring.
I asked for the 5 qt for Christmas last year and got the 6... It’s really worth it. A very nice tool. I’ll bet it’ll be on sale Friday.
The lowest end one is $79 right now... If you don’t plan on making yogurt, it’ll probably do the job.
I asked for the 5 qt for Christmas last year and got the 6... It’s really worth it. A very nice tool. I’ll bet it’ll…
Wish they had a deal on the replacement blades...
Wish they had a deal on the replacement blades...
Black Friday isn’t what it used to be.
Black Friday isn’t what it used to be.
Go for the Brother. It’s a GREAT printer. I’ve owned 4 HP’s and this little guy trumps them all... Note: The RAM on the Brother is a little small if you want to print complex things at 1200 DPI. I’ve never had a problem at 600DPI though, which puts out a very acceptable print.
Go for the Brother. It’s a GREAT printer. I’ve owned 4 HP’s and this little guy trumps them all... Note: The RAM on…
If you’re looking for an Instant Pot, and don’t live in a micro house or a tiny apartment, do yourself the favor and get a bigger one. It really opens up the options. It’s big, but I was able to get rid of my rice cooker, pressure cooker, and crock pot, so I more than made up the space on my baker’s rack.
If you’re looking for an Instant Pot, and don’t live in a micro house or a tiny apartment, do yourself the favor and…
Make sure you’re using cast iron. If you’re having problems, heat the thing in the oven at max temp for 20-30 minutes, transfer the skillet to your stove top on max, THEN put the meat on it with just a little butter or an oil that can handle high heat. The most important thing is to quickly sear the meat to lock in…
Spend the money for the Food Saver with the integrated well that houses the roll of material. Get the one with the cutter too. You’ll thank yourself. Make sure it has a gentle & a moist setting while you’re at it. These are the important features for a vacuum sealer. If you want to spend big bucks, you can get…
I had the same issue with a pork loin. It was tender and juicy, but just a little pink. Intellectually I knew it was safe, but I just couldn’t bring myself to finish it. I now smoke my pork loins, and am much happier with the results.
A grill? Who the fuck smokes on a grill? Sorry, you just lost me again. Go take your fake smoke and bad ribs and have a nice day.
Liquid smoke isn’t even worth my time. If you’re making apartment ribs and can’t actually smoke something, it’s understandable and I have no problem with someone doing so. But to pretend…
Your tone was crappy from the get-go. You then told people that they “Just didn’t know because they hadn’t tried it.” Then you told a few of us that HAVE tried it that we were obviously lying. Go fuck yourself, idiot.
Sounds like you have some sort of fascination with everyone’s dicks. Maybe if you stopped obsessing on other peoples’ dicks, you’d hear what they’re saying.
TL;DR - Idiot had to go there... (rolls eyes)
By the way, this idiot fails to mention that you have to be pretty careful with Prague Pink. It’s a curing salt and needs to be measured carefully as it can be harmful. Normally, you use it when curing sausages and such, and the nitrites are used up in the curing process... I can’t imagine actually cooking with the…
You do realize that completely broken down ribs are broken, right? You want your ribs tender, but you also want a bit of a crust on them to give some bite. I don’t know about you, but I’m not a toothless 80 year old. The reason sous vide fails is that it does exactly what you’re talking about. I don’t want ribs that…
About your gloppy ribs? Yeah, I read it. It came after your douchey proclamation about how the rest of us were unenlightened cavemen and your picture of your worse than Chili’s ribs. Oh, and then you told me I obviously was lying about using a Sous Vide. That’s when I unloaded on you.
So feel free to apologize for…
No, the nastiness is over an asshole who’s proclaiming that we’re all “Stupid Texans” and such. Then, said asshole tells us we’re liars when we tell him that we’ve tried “his way” and found it not up to snuff. I’m treating a childish prick like the child he or she it, and I don’t feel the least bit bad about it.
I totally threw out the boiled ribs thing as a crack, and he latched on to it like a drowning man latches on to a life preserver. The point I was obliquely making is that when you smoke ribs, you get a certain texture that you won’t get using a sous vide. Even if you oven finish them, you’re going to lose out on that…
Well put. The OP came off like an ass, and I treated him as he deserved. The “Well you’ve obviously never cooked ribs in a sous vide” comment set my teeth on edge. Hopefully he’ll understand that he got blasted for being a condescending douche.
(Not that I wasn’t being an ass to him. I was. But man, that kind of…
I have yet to take offense. You’re neither effective enough nor interesting enough to offend me. Go swig some liquid smoke, bad cook.