
Well since you want to talk about fantasies, we can address yours.

Hey dummy: They want to make silencers legal so that people don’t ruin their ears. And they aren’t silencers. They’re mufflers. But hey, I guess a safety feature isn’t really something you’re interested in. You’d rather pretend that you have a clue because you’ve seen so much TV.

(He’s mistaken Jetro Tull for Jethro Bodine)

(And Yes, I got the Zevon reference.I almost responded with a shit has hit the fan remark)

Nah, we should take everyone’s guns! Then this guy would have had to use a truck! THAT wouldn’t have done anything, right?

There’s not a great way to stop these people. If you take the guns away, they’ll emulate the EU and start plowing into crowds in a truck. (84 people were killed and 468 injured in Nice, France last year by an asshole hitting a crowd with a high speed truck) Or they’ll make bombs. Or they’ll figure out something

Drama much? As horrible as this was (and it was fucking tragic) we’re still looking at 50 people out of a population of 320 MIllion. We’re not all going to “be dead” from this sort of action. At least not unless it becomes a daily occurrence in every population center larger than 100 people or something equally

Well, Reagan was more of a dupe than a coward.

I have one of these, and am pretty damned happy with it.

I have one of these, and am pretty damned happy with it.

The App Drawer is the exact same thing as the iOS home screen. It’s the launcher screen where Android wins hands down.

It’s pretty sad that Apple has such a flawed design. I mean, if I want one icon sitting on the bottom right, with nothing else on the screen, I should be able to have that. That’s a big ole’ nope burger with a sprinkling of uh uh on the top.

Exactly what I thought of when I saw this comment.

I grabbed one for the wife. She uses it like she used to use her portable white board. That’s about the quality it’s good for. I’d never use it for any dense notes.

I grabbed one for the wife. She uses it like she used to use her portable white board. That’s about the quality it’s

Since all of your baseline assumptions are fallacious, it’s hard to even start explaining the whys to you.

Heh... 4 elephants...

The idea I’ve seen floated is that you drive your car into a pod, and it gets transported along with you.

Dallas to Houston & Dallas to San Antonio, with a shorter line to Austin. Dallas to El Paso because it’s a freight hub.

Then, Dallas to OKC, to Kansas City, to Minneapolis, and finally, to the Canadian Border, blowing past Fargo and Grand Forks. You’ll have a trans-national pipeline for all of your freight needs and

Call it by it’s proper name: Skunk Weed

On really nice thing about my LG V20 is that I don’t have to unlock it to see the time. It’s always up there on the 2nd screen. That helps a bit too.

I have the LG Urbane, and yeah, it does a good job. It also has WiFi, so I can use it somewhat independently of a phone. It’s NOT great at responding, unless you like talking a la Dick Tracy to a watch face. But I can respond in a pinch, which is more than enough for me. The other input methods are pretty bad.

I have Facebook notifications turned off on my phone, and my wife has it uninstalled from hers. Neither of us use Twitter, or any of the other social media accounts. I also have a junk email address where almost everything goes (Only real friends and family have my core email address, which is the only one that gets