(I was just making a pun)
(I was just making a pun)
(Didja understand that it was sarcasm?)
I much preferred him in JLI, btw...
I’d like to think that if they ever get to Apocalypse he’ll unleash a bit. After all, who cares if parademons get caught up in the collateral damage of him vs. Darkseid. And believe me, his invulnerability will be put to the test in THAT particular fight.
Sometimes... in the heat of the moment... it’s OK to have fan service.
Well... that would be all true and stuff if the Earth weren’t actually 7000 years old... But since carbon dating is a scam, we’ll be able to resurrect dinosaurs any day now... I mean, they only lived for one day, so they should get a little more time here on Earth.
(Didjer head get all splodey when I said that?)
Pillow Pants might be the best bit of the decade.
Sadness & Misery... Yep... that’s how I remember the 90's.
So... Better than Ezra?
If you really want better cops, then take the money incentive out of arrests. End the drug war, put cops back on the beat (walking, not in patrol cars), and break the union up. There are far too many things giving them incentives to misbehave. Oh, and put cameras on them 100% of the time they’re on the beat. If…
Police get a TON of perks as well. I know cops who get free rent, because the apartment wants them on site. Sure, they occasionally have to help out, but that’s a pretty good deal for them. Many either get free food or discounted food while in uniform. They get REALLY nice overtime to work security in uniform... Cops…
The only thing you should ever say to a cop is “Lawyer.” Nothing else. If they order you to do something, comply, because you don’t want to be beaten or shot. But be careful. Rulings like Salinas v. Texas are on the books, and can be used against you. If you say anything, and even stop talking, it can be used to say…
Grr... kind of shitty that the only way you can buy the 150 new cards in Cards Against Humanity is to re-buy 350 duplicate cards at $25.I hope that’s not the case.
Grr... kind of shitty that the only way you can buy the 150 new cards in Cards Against Humanity is to re-buy 350…
I got one of these a month or two back. Great little printer. SO much faster than my old Laserjet, and about 3/4 the size.
I got one of these a month or two back. Great little printer. SO much faster than my old Laserjet, and about 3/4 the…
Yeah, that’s always a whip to me.
That being said, this is a favorite of mine.
Yeah, that’s always a whip to me.
That being said, this is a favorite of mine.
Illuminati? Yes please!
If you don’t already have Catan, this is the cheapest I’ve ever seen it. I highly recommend that game.
Illuminati? Yes please!
If you don’t already have Catan, this is the cheapest I’ve ever seen it. I highly recommend…
Gawker’s Italian? Whodathunk?
I hear you’re a real pain in the ass after 12 hours...
Sounds like you’re the selfish asshole. You think that what you want is more important than the rights of others. You don’t get to decide what other people do with their property. That’s slavery. You don’t get to take other peoples’ property. That’s theft. When you hide behind other people with guns and get them to…
Actually, this is about as backward as can be. The problem is that people’s property isn’t respected.
Know what your first property is? Your body. All rights spring from property rights, and the farther we get from that idea, the worse things get.