I believe you might be able to go forth to the tube of you and find said squirrel.
I believe you might be able to go forth to the tube of you and find said squirrel.
I thought the idea was to encourage your kid to crap...
I figure they’re there to make enough noise to wake me in the case of a home invasion.
My mom installed one to keep my dad from wandering (Alzheimer’s patient, since passed away). She keeps the key in it these days. On the inside of course. She’s the only person I know who has one.
1> Sharing your sexuality can be a very good thing.
2> Nobody needs you to share your sex life.
Is it possible that this thing will have voice commands? I mean yeah, fumbling with a touchscreen while you’re driving isn’t a great idea, but talking to your car might be a nice way to control these things.
SIGH... So I’m talking to an ass. Got it.
Lemme ‘splain. No, that would take too long, lemme sum it up:
Sometimes, when you see someone talking about a story, and that person says that they wish they had done something differently, you agree with them, and make a comment along that line. I was commenting about that.…
Hey, maybe you’ll meet someone younger than you who fits some day! Or maybe it’ll be someone your age, or an older person. Just don’t be afraid to take the risk. If you really think that other person is good for you, go for it.
Do you also get a funny feeling when you see the cartoon weasel from Loony Tunes? Because every time I see Ryan, that’s all I can envision. :D
How do you feel about Guile and Duke Nukem? Asking for a couple of friends...
Riker was Try-sexual, and the fastest human on three legs. He was like Kirk, only hornier.
Hey, don’t forget Maid Marian the foxiest fox to ever fox! :D
When I was your age, I wouldn’t date a woman 5 years younger than me. I grew up a little and learned that age isn’t the important part. It’s the person you need to see, not their age, race, or social status. Those are distractions. Luckily, society has pretty much eliminated race as an issue (Not so much in the 80's…
No... you don’t go Aaron Carter. Take that hint that she’s not into you like she was when she was in diapers. :p
Funny, my wife doesn’t consider me an old creepy guy. Maybe you’re just a judgmental asshole.
That sort of thing never crossed my mind. We aren’t all predators you know. (My wife was 22 when we started going out. She was definitely NOT vulnerable.)
My father in law has been with his current wife for about 30 years. She’s almost 20 years older than he is. It works for them!
Oh, I’d still hit that! :D (Kidding!)
I had a crush on Jeannie, Barbara Eden. Now if SHE had asked me out on Twitter when I was 20, I might have said yes! I mean, she’d have been 57, but I’d have dealt. Optimus Prime, OTOH would still be 9 million years old or so. Talk about an age gap! :D
It is. But sometimes it’s worth it.
Hey, I’d love to have a cool story of being shot down by a beautiful celebrity... As long as I wasn’t being a tool...