
I can’t speak for him, but I have a 16 year age difference with my wife. I had some younger friends, and she was dating my friend’s brother in law (well, my friend wasn’t married yet, but you get the picture). They broke up, and 6 months later, my wife & I started dating. It kind of blind-sided me. She’s an old soul

There’s nothing creepy about the age difference. Plenty of people have spouses that are farther apart. Me included. My wife is 16 years younger than I am (I met her when she was 22 by the way). We clicked. It wasn’t something either of us looked for. Her Step Sister’s husband is over 20 years older than she is. Her

DING DING DING! Numbah one answer!

Sadly, Congress will never grow that spine. They like being able to pass that buck too much. I hope you never have to live in that reality. The thought of it just absolutely sucks beyond comprehension.

As an aside, my dad was stationed on Guam at the end of WWII. He was a marine who worked on Corsairs. The pictures of

So you don’t remember Czechoslovakia and Afghanistan?

Side note: Every country pretty much has their own sign language, and deaf people in the US can’t really talk to deaf people in Mexico, Australia, or even England without learning another form of sign language. Canada is the lone exception, except for Quebec where deaf people use LSQ instead of ASL. Just thought you

I grew up about 15 miles from Carswell AFB, which is situated right next to a Lockheed (Then GD) plant where they churn out F-16s. We also have Bell Helicopter here. I grew up with the certainty that if nuclear war DID break out with Russia, I’d never know what hit us, because there was no way I’d survive the first

Nah, this isn’t even close. We were absolutely scared shitless of the Russians. It turns out that they were vastly overstating their nuclear arsenal. I mean, it was still probably enough to blow the entire world apart, but they were lying to cover the fact that the US was outproducing them.

My brother spent many a night sitting in the little building just off the tarmac at Minot AFB. He was a B-52 pilot.

Canada’s famous for their poutine, so they probably have a buttload of gravy hidden next to their maple syrup reserves and their beaver pelts.

Yep... he punched down and hit the Democrats’ gimmick candidate. Heh.

Well, I would., I’ve already threatened Canada because I want the maple syrup. Oh... that sweet sweet maple...

I got the 10 key model of this keyboard, and am typing on it right now. I got it partially because I’m sitting in an open-office, and people were bitching that my typing was too loud. This is a great feeling keyboard and is nice & quiet. All in all, a steal at this price.

I got the 10 key model of this keyboard, and am typing on it right now. I got it partially because I’m sitting in an

Well, fewer politicians maybe...

Well hey! They were able to afford a $4 Billion subway stop, but not general infrastructure, so you be the judge!

This penalizes the upscale restaurant market as well. That waiter is going to miss out on how many tips because those rich people cut back on their meals to pay for this?

Obviously this is slightly tongue in cheek, but the original article’s author doesn’t seem to realize that he’s taking money out of the pockets of

Existing resources....

Do you even know what those words mean? Should I translate them into Espanol, chico?

Shh... you’re spoiling the plan. After this tax goes nowhere, the next part of the plan is to tax the people making over $100K a year! The milking of the people will continue until there is no milk left to be had.

The rich usually DO pay more for the services they use, because they buy better services, and then pay for the services they DON’T use on top of it.

Example: Private schools, while still paying the school taxes on their very expensive homes.