
Calls someone a bootlicker... 
Licks the boots of the government...

Supporting yourself is. By a long shot. Not being a burden on your family is as well.

It’s not about fairness. It’s about punishing success. This is a typical move by one of the worst governments in the country.

Nah, Fairtax. You don’t spend? You don’t pay a tax. Give a “prebate” to everyone, no exceptions. That means that the poorest get to live essentially tax free, and everyone else gets a break on their money. The prebate will mean almost nothing to the rich, and it makes our tax code so dead simple that even a 3rd grader

Sure did! The change was amazing!

If a billionaire is selling products that working class people can afford, then they’re already contributing to the greater good by supplying affordable things that people obviously want/need.

Tax the rich? You mean the people who can afford to move to the suburbs if your taxation gets too obnoxious? Brilliant!

Here’s an idea: Stop paying for bullshit projects like the $4 Billion subway stop. (Designed by the famous fishmonger Calatrava of course... If you’ve ever seen one of his bridges, you’ll know why I

Totally on point.

Edison? Electrocuted an Elephant as a PR stunt. Among other animals... also treated Tesla like shit. Also screwed over countless inventors by stealing their shit.
Jobs? When he died, my father in law, who worked at Apple (As an exec) for years had only this to say: “He was an asshole.”
Tesla? More

A few things.
1> Any time saved can save your life.
2> You have to have both hands empty to rack a slide.
3> In a stress situation, you want to have to do as little as possible.
4> It’s possible for a bullet to jam when feeding up from the magazine. Far better to have one in the pipe, ready to go.
5> With almost every

Why would you bother? You’re already back outside of security by that time. If you’re going to go shoot up a place with a bunch of people, save yourself the plane fare and go hit a mall.


Do you understand the difference between government property and private property?

The Airline isn’t saying “You can’t Carry.” The government is. So, Bro, the people who own the property aren’t the ones making those rules. They might make them if they could, but then again,. they might not. I could definitely see the

The thing is, though, the people who own the airport aren’t the ones telling you anything. It’s the government. The federal government to be specific.

And even if the government “owns” a piece of land, we are the government, so where does the authority to tell anyone where they can or cannot carry a weapon come from?

I like to think of Hi Points as really ugly clubs... that might actually shoot a bullet if you’re lucky.


You’re right. They did.

Shh... you’ll shatter his or her already shaky grasp on sanity.

Or if you’re going to leave, head East.

You do realize that it’s illegal to brandish a weapon in most places already, right?

You sure have an elaborate fantasy built up in your head. How much time do you spend with this? Have you actually wet your bed with all of your fear, or is it just figurative bed wetting?

And you won’t be missed. Not that I believe you’ll actually have the guts to leave.

They made my father, who was suffering from late-onset Alzheimer’s at the time, throw his away. It was one of those tiny little keychain Swiss Army Knives, and was a real disappointment for him. I bought him a replacement, and you’d have thought I had given him the most precious gem from the Crown Jewels of England.

That’s one reason I don’t carry really expensive knives.