I carry a very thin folding knife in my wallet. So far I haven’t forgotten to put it in my checked luggage, but I’m pretty sure that I will some day. Luckily it’s a $20 Bokker, not something expensive.
I carry a very thin folding knife in my wallet. So far I haven’t forgotten to put it in my checked luggage, but I’m pretty sure that I will some day. Luckily it’s a $20 Bokker, not something expensive.
It actually depends whether or not you actually have it on your body, or if it’s sitting at the bottom of your carry-on. If the former, I agree. If the latter, I don’t. It’s on you to make sure you don’t bring a restricted device on to a plane, but I could see someone loading up their bag and forgetting that it’s…
Would you like to retry that post in the form of a complete sentence? If you’re going to give someone a hard time about their intelligence, you might want to at least attempt to write something coherent.
Must be nice to be wealthy enough to afford armed security.
Oh... you meant the police? MUAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA!!! That’s funny!
You forget that if there were no guns, then stronger people than you would just stab you and take your stuff if hey so desired.
The fear of a criminal that someone in a place might be carrying a gun is real. It gives a chilling effect on a good number of criminals, convincing them to attempt less confrontational means…
A LOT of people like those. They’re kind of a cult-following in the H&K circles. I shoot a USP, and encounter a good number of people who just like the P7s. I personally think they’re slightly neat, but that’s about as far as it goes for me.
Aww.... how cute! Now don’t you feel superior... looking down your nose at people who have a different POV than you do.
“But then you can
cram an extra bullet in the magazinetake less time to defend yourself if things go badly!”
Most people have never seen the police do anything with a gun... just sayin’
If you’re packing a decent pistol, it’s probably not a problem. If you’re packing a crap Hi Point, it’s another matter entirely.
DAO (Double Action Only) pistols can almost always be reliably carried with a round chambered (This includes Glocks). So can Quality SA/DA (Single Action / Double Action) pieces like Kimber,…
This. I seemed to have missed some added content from a bundle or three from 2009. I recently grabbed those Steam keys and installed a few of the games. (Humble Bundle sometimes comes back behind your purchase and adds more to the bundle)
This. I seemed to have missed some added content from a bundle or three from 2009. I recently grabbed those Steam…
Ugh... my sympathies. Traveling has become a nightmare. I’ll drive anywhere I can get to in a day as a no-brainer. It’s just not worth the hassle to fly. Two days is questionable whether I’ll drive or fly, and over two days, I’m almost guaranteed to fly. Needless to say. I try to schedule most vacations within a two…
While getting this piece of shit gone is a great thing, it pissed me off that cops will be fired for tweeting a racist rant, but not for choking the shit out of some poor black guy whose only crime was to sell loose cigarettes.
We need to step it up! Never forget the innocent men and women shot by cops who then got a…
Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood and racist eugenicist applauds you!
I just bought one for my wife to use as an electronic whiteboard. She loves whiteboards, and this way I can stop funding the Sharpie corporation’s owner’s Cadillac fund.
I just bought one for my wife to use as an electronic whiteboard. She loves whiteboards, and this way I can stop…
Is that the best resolution you can reasonably expect on that thing? (The pics on Amazon) I might be interested in something like that, but I need much finer resolution than that.
Is that the best resolution you can reasonably expect on that thing? (The pics on Amazon) I might be interested in…
I do too. My wife and I commonly bring our DSLRs, a number of lenses, and a flash or two. This will be a nightmare to deal with. I’ll probably just bring my 18-200 lens and body, and nothing else. She still has 3 lenses she likes to bring though. She’s attached to her little prime lens, and likes her kit lenses for…
We’re already hiring mall cops. But as it stands, we’re paying far too much for those mall cops.
Anecdote time: We had an ex-TSA executive come work for us at my last job. She might have been the stupidest user (I worked desktop for a while before moving back into server support) I’d ever met. She was literally dumber…
Nah, if Airports paid for and managed their own security, we’d get better security for a lower price. The government is almost always the least efficient, most expensive way to do anything. I’m fairly certain that most airports wouldn’t half-ass it like the TSA does either, because they’d be afraid of the PR disaster…
I’m a cat person. But hey! Different Strokes!