I’m just saying... if I had been that TSA agent, those worms would have been confiscated... for the public’s good of course...
I’m just saying... if I had been that TSA agent, those worms would have been confiscated... for the public’s good of course...
I’m pretty sure we’re going to have to pull them out as well... Grrrr
I pity da fool!
My wife and I have a system. She goes on ahead, and I lag behind with our stuff. As soon as I see her cleared, I get the stuff rolling, then go through. It’s not perfect, and obviously has to rely on both of us, but so far, so good.
In all fairness, if a cat doesn’t want to be grappled, it’s probably harder to keep hold than a terrorist... Those little assholes are slippery.
There may be a need for security at checkpoints, but it doesn’t have to be a shitty government agency with a proven poor track record. You don’t professionalize when you federalize. That was a lie told to us.
Here. A story from CNN and one from Fox. That way no matter which side you fall on, you shouldn’t gripe too…
Everything I travel with supports 110-220V, and 50-60hz. That being said, your solution looks fairly decent.
Everything I travel with supports 110-220V, and 50-60hz. That being said, your solution looks fairly decent.
The new stuff still as Aspartame though. Pass.
The new stuff still as Aspartame though. Pass.
When I travel to Europe, I’d have to buy a shit-ton of cables for my stuff that I’d only use on that trip. I’d much rather have something like this.
When I travel to Europe, I’d have to buy a shit-ton of cables for my stuff that I’d only use on that trip. I’d much…
I have friends of Native American and others of Mexican descent who can go for a few days without shaving. I can skip one day. After that, I’m with you in the soup kitchen line.
I have friends of Native American and others of Mexican descent who can go for a few days without shaving. I can…
Yeah, the thing is, the ones around here aren’t just offering char sui. They also offer all sorts of interesting dishes that I’ve never had. I especially hated the bitter-melon with chicken, but hey! I tried it! Almost everything else was has been good. The style is obviously different here than Boston, but the…
It’s not BBQ in the traditional American sense. It’s also called Char siu. I’d liken the generic chinese joint to Taco Bell with one of these restaurants being a nice Mexican restaurant run by first or second generation Mexicans... not having lost the things that make them special yet.
That’s an analogy of course. But…
My wife is a chaplain in a major hospital. She worked palliative care for a few years, and is now working in the ED most of the time. She finds the whole “Cancer Warrior” mentality to be distasteful. She also doesn’t like the whole “God will HEAL you!” mentality. She’s realized that it helps some people cope, though,…
As a guy, we really don’t need you to hide your “flaws.” We’d rather you be a cool person to talk to. (Note: I’m slightly older than you, so the younger people might have a different opinion)
I do something similar. I use a cable organizer bag with 2 of every cable I need, then have a small 6 port charger with QC 3.0 on two ports. I also have a tiny 3 port surge protector along for the ride. It’s easily enough to keep my phones, my wife’s phone, and her tablet charged. Sadly, my tablet takes a bigger port,…
I carry a few band aids in my wallet. I rotate them out every six months or so. I’ve had to use them a few times, and they’ve held up well.
Hey, this is MUCH better than improving Siri’s search capability or speech recognition! I’ll take Stupid Siri Tricks for $500 Alex!
I miss Ninfa’s. In Dallas, they all died. I’d have to travel to Waco to eat at one now.
El Fenix? Bluh! Mercado Juarez please! Or any of the thousand tacquerias around. El Fenix isn’t even Mexican, it’s Tex Mex. (So is Mercado)
Mapele & Motor? Too expensive for a mediocre burger. Go to Island Burger and save yourself $4 for just as good a burger & fries.
The rick to finding a great Chinese restaurant in Dallas? Look for the words: Chinese BBQ. That’s a good rule of thumb.