
You might want to eventually swap out those kit lenses for a nice 18-200 lens. The convenience is massive. You can get a nice used one for $345 on Amazon, or $650 new.

Red Robin is my downfall.
“You mean, you’ll just keep bringing me fries?” /sniff “I Think I need a moment here.”

Always know the photo policies in any space you’re in. Most of the time it’s OK. Sometimes it isn’t. If it isn’t, don’t be “that guy.” Especially if you’re American... don’t be the Ugly American. Be the cool American who people are glad to see.

Edit: She also found out that Socialized Medicine kinda sucks. They slapped the wrong steel plate in there. It was too big. Which means that she got to have a second surgery when she got back to the states to fix the Irish Doctor’s fuck-up.

Actually, Sanders was unemployed until he was in his 40s, when he won an election. And his newest house was a $600,000 beach house. And this isn’t a generic 70 year old saving his money. This is the guy who preaches the evils of capitalism while enjoying all of the privileges of capitalism.

I love my wife too, but I’m

Don’t conflate health insurance with health care. The two are entirely different animals.

Agreed. This bad trope assumes that “doing the same thing” includes complete control over every factor imaginable. Many times trying again works because some factor has changed that the person trying isn’t aware of.

All the while buying that third luxury home and helping his wife defraud her employer for millions. #manofthepeople

Many politicians are freaky looking beasts.

So when are we quitting the ACA? It’s been a disaster and a failure from inception as well. I’m not going to defend Obamacare-lite here, because it sucks about as bad as the ACA, but a little objectivity might do you some good when slamming one side’s bad plan over the other side’s bad plan.

Here’s the list of Anki’s shared Geography card sets:

Anki is a good one with a lot of downloadable content, and is pretty easy to make your own on. My wife did a lot with biblical Hebrew when she was in that class.

It has a pretty good userbase that uploads their flash cards.

My wife may be the biggest flash-card nerd in the universe. She swears by the Anki app.

My sister found out that Ireland doesn’t take their insurance, so she and her husband had to pay through the nose when she broke her ankle in Dublin.

Arizona (Or at least parts of it) is a beautiful state. The wildlife is interesting, and the vistas are amazing. We spent a week in Tucson a few years ago and thoroughly enjoyed it... except for all of those damn bicyclists.

My brother in law and nephew turned a corner in Rocky Mountain National Park last week and were damn near nose to nose with a bull moose. Luckily he was in a chill mood.

Did they try to mug you?

Heh... I live in Arlington. The ethnic options here are phenomenal.

If you’re ever in Ft Worth, swing on by Pendery’s Spices over on 8th Ave.(Not to be confused with Penzey’s) They have some amazing taco seasoning, as well as about 10 different chile mixes and are definitely a go-to for higher end spices for me.

Central Market (Texas) has them in the bulk aisle, and you can put as little or as much in that bag/jar as you like.

Ugh.. that sucks. All of ours (Dallas area) take credit/debit cards as well.