
Pro tip: Skip the regular grocery store altogether and go to an ethnic store. Figure out what’s available at those stores and make a trip. And not just spices. There are plenty of great things you can get much cheaper at those stores, and they’re usually better quality.

Example: We have a Halal grocery store close to

Ranch: You have been judged! (BLAM)

“So why is it you can easily buy a Tesla and not a Clarity?”

Government subsidies for EVs.  

Hydrogen is a much smarter delivery system.

Problem is political will. Obama had such a hard-on for electric that his administration heavily subsidized the tech to the point that it got to market.

And Bruce Willis!

It’s not like he’s the only one either. Roman Polanski still walks free (even if he can’t do so on American soil). The rapists who molested the Coreys have never come to light. Woody Allen is still considered a media darling despite his step-daugter’s accusations of molestation. Bill Clinton frequented “rape island”

1> There were 37 million Ashley Madison users who were part of this lawsuit? /boggle
2> The payout was $11 million? After the lawyers get their cut, that comes out to about 15 cents per person.
3> This means that the only real winners in this class action lawsuit are the lawyers. Class action lawsuits too often seem to

Knock yourself out. It’s bestiality, but no, it’s obviously not rape.

From unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force, by a sex organ, other body part, or foreign object, without the consent of the victim.

I have a cat that’s about 13 months old. He’s definitely in his teen year. It’s funny because sometimes after I tell him no, he tears off with a whining meow that my wife and I have identified as “You’re not my real dad!”

Rape isn’t really the correct term because a cat cannot give or withhold consent.

As Sean Connery leaned, never say never.

My wife’s old video camera had that. I still have one laptop with it sitting up on a shelf in my office collecting dust.

An adapter is cheap, and for something like a keyboard, isn’t really much of an issue to put in place and forget about.

You should’ve just stopped at USB-C.

Every other one of these fuckers needs to die in a fire. Get on board 100% Apple. Let’s make one cable to rule them all.

“The most brilliant mechanical engineer in human history would nevertheless have died penniless”...

Or if his name was Nikolai Tesla... :D

I get the point. I just wanted to point out that luck DOES in fact count, and happens. Most of the time people make their own luck, but there are still those cosmic jokes that

Yeah, but then I can point to Kevin Smith, who had to hock his comic book collection to get Clerks going. Most wealth is gone by the 3rd generation after the earner, and even the most nepotistic businesses fail if the continuation isn’t handled by competent progeny.

Agreed. Which is why I said that the people who suddenly achieve lucky success are ill equipped to handle it.

I never said most. I said it happens. This is why my first statement was that I agreed with the sentiment. People can and do achieve success with very little besides luck... If you want to define success as tangible wealth, or even fame. It’s the outlier for sure, but it still happens. And sadly too many people see

And that’s the crux of the matter, as well as a very good point. How do we measure success? If it’s simply wealth, then a lottery winner would be, by definition, successful. If it’s contributing to society in some fundamental way, then Mother Theresa, who died penniless helping orphans and the destitute should be

While i wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment, i have to disagree. Some people can get stupidly lucky.

Of course, those are the people least likely to hold on to any kind of success since they aren’t prepared to handle said success.