
Well THAT was an expensive post! :D

Well THAT was an expensive post! :D

Blashphemer! You’re dead to me! No wonder your parents named you after the 2nd worst Stooge! (Joe being the worst) They even forgot to give you the M! :D

Blashphemer! You’re dead to me! No wonder your parents named you after the 2nd worst Stooge! (Joe being the worst)

And how. That’s one crazy SOB.

I thought Appalachio could only be performed on a blood relative... :D

You really shouldn’t be so harsh about your mom. She can’t help your bad habits, or your toothlessness.

And you can find it used for 90 cents on Amazon. Or, if you’re in Canada, it’s in the public domain.

Listen, if you’re not following the Rev. Al Sharpton on social media, what are you doing with your life?

Well that explains Bill Nye and Neial Degrasse Tyson... :D

Start with “It’s Complicated” and go from there. :D

But that’s OK. Life is complicated.

The rules aren’t really set in stone. Each person can and will essentially decide how they want to be labeled, if they want to be labeled at all. I don’t oppose this, but get a little aggravated when a person who has decided to

I’m usually a little more horrified than fascinated... :D

The people who draw those didn’t date much in school... And now they have a strangely conceptualized version of beauty. I trend toward the “Miss Fitness” contestant body-type rather than the Miss America or the DDDD set in my attraction. But some people want “the biggest titties!”

Go check out Second Life some time.

Those things go in cycles. It’ll swing back eventually.

In that case, you’ve made seriously bad life choices, and should never have one. If you have a spouse who has even an outside chance of doing any of that, you need to get rid of that spouse immediately, and never look back.

Oh, and that study? The one you’re poorly referring to? It’s been so thoroughly debunked that I

Try not to use the “C” word, dumb ass. I don’t give a shit about what you are or aren’t in favor of. You’re using blatantly misogynistic speech, and that’s shit. Grow the fuck up. You deserve to be insulted, and you need to learn that it’s not cool to call people shit like that. This has nothing to do with your stance

Try to be a better human, shitwad. Right now you’re looking up with a telescope to see Trump.

Well played, sir or madam. Well played.


China needs to send the very best people, regardless of their nether bits. Period. If that means an all female crew, cool.

I’m not justifying anything. I wouldn’t work for someone like that for all the tea in China. But you have to know the score going in. If you accept a job paying $20K a year, that’s on you. There are other jobs out there that pay more. If you aren’t worth more than $20K a year, then you need to take the job, and do

Of course you’re a misogynist. Learn to English better, you sexist asshole.

Oooh! Far fewer gun deaths! Wow! }

Dumb fuck: (That’s you. I know you probably didn’t understand that I’m still talking to you) England started with a mostly homogeneous population, and doesn’t have the racial history we do. If you had a brain

Water is wet. If you’re simply stating a fact, why not that one?

Nope. You’re trying to say that there’s correlation between this law being repealed and this dude shooting Republicans. My point stands. You shit all over your own comment, and don’t really need my help because it’s already a turd full of stinky corn