
Well I’m glad you aren’t typing this out of your cardboard box.

The same holds true though. If the Congresscritter can’t get anyone to work for the low pay, said critter will have to adjust the budget. But there are plenty of people who’ll take that pay hit for the access and opportunity. Congresscritters aren’t

Well, except bringing that sweet sweet pork home to Vermont in the form of government largess.

You aren’t really interested in lowering the number of overall deaths though, are you? You talk about the bad things, and I absolutely agree that they happen.

But here’s the kicker: Most would happen without guns. People would just switch to alternate means. Look at England right now. They’re experiencing exactly what

You do realize that windows also exist, right?

Why are gun fearing idiots always so vocal? Why do they always come up with stupid answers that don’t even begin to protect someone sufficiently? Oooh! Look at this $10,000 lock I put on my door! What? They came through the window? D’oh!

It’s also limiting people who shouldn’t be limited. That makes it bad. Craft a good law that only restricts people who should be restricted (The criminally insane, and mentally ill people who aren’t capable of making decisions is a good start) and leave the rest of us out of it. Millions of people function every day

Cool. Enjoy being a victim. Hopefully that person doesn’t decide to kill you, rape you, or beat you and knock out your front teeth. That’s your decision. Me? I’m going to fight with everything I’ve got to protect myself and my family. I have no idea what the person breaking into my house will do, but I damn sure know

Don’t like the job? Quit and go get one that pays better. It’s not rocket science. You’re just whining because you aren’t up to snuff in your industry yet. Get better at your job and go to another office, if you must. Or get out of the field, since you obviously aren’t succeeding at playing the game. It’s no shame to

I have no problem with someone being successful when they’ve earned an honest buck.

But I do have a problem with a guy who has 3 houses that I could never afford, who’s a millionaire on paper saying the following:

“We are living in a nation which worships wealth rather than caring for the poor. I don’t think that is

Well with condescension like yours, I’m certain that you’re an absolute gem to work with, aren’t you?

In other words, there’s a set bucket instead of exact pay grades. The Congressperson has say on who gets what out of a finite bucket. To entice the better people to their side, or to pay back loyalty, they pay them a

Good to know. Thanks for the information!

Hell, the Democratic party didn’t even support gay marriage until 2012, when it was obvious that it was becoming a popular opinion to have.

Bernie is a 1 percenter. His wife is under investigation for bank fraud, and got a $200,000 golden parachute at the college she caused to go bankrupt. Oh, and Bernie just bought his third house ($600,000). Yeah... real progressive. The dude’s about as authentic as a Folex watch.

In all fairness, a job in a Congressional office probably has a set pay scale.

Plus, you’re being paid peanuts, but it’s expected that you’ll gain connections so that you can cash in later.

Better yet, just look at the gender pay gap in the Obama White House.

I personally would rather see prices go down than government pay for things that keep rising in price because government is paying for them. That’s a losing scenario. I live in Texas. There are definitely places out in the southwest part of the state that are hit. But many of those places still have county and city

In Texas, we only have to get fingerprinted to carry. And it cost about $12 if memory serves. Of course, we just lowered the cost of a CHL to $40 for 4 years. Seeing as how our CHL carriers are really good about being VERY law abiding (so far, so good, hope it stays that way) citizens, so it’s been a good experience

I timed out in the middle of an edit, so here it is:

You don’t get a lot of machine guns around. And an M4 would have to be lifted from a military base, or brought in from outside of the borders. Both are much more difficult than modding an AR-15. Occam’s razor in my supposition, which I freely admit is supposition.

And yeah, I’ll bet they’re wrong because reporters are

The right at least pays lip service to lowering taxes. But I’ll give you that. It’s nor much more than lip service. Both sides want far too much government.

And I was being slightly hyperbolic about a death penalty for smoking, much like you were with abortion. (Because for the most part, conservatives haven’t done

So, if you already have a suppressor on your weapon, you get the benefits of hearing protection, built in. What part of that don’t you understand?

If my life is on the line, I’ll take the hearing loss. But why the fuck should I? Because some stupid tool thinks Hollywood is real and I’m going to be a silent ninja