
We do. They just aren’t good at pre-judging people who haven’t broken any major laws.

There’s a good chance it’s actually an AR-15 with a short barrel and collapsible stock. The initial report is that it’s an M4, but it’s pretty easy to mix up the two. I’ll wait until we get better info for that, because AFAIK, there were no M4s available for private use. The FOPA doesn’t allow any weapons made post

Nah, they’re just going to take more of your money, deny you the ability to defend yourself, and shoot you on sight if you light a cigarette, or build on your own land if a speckled newt might be inconvenienced, or try and shit all over you if you’re a mother in a divorce with a husband who’s discovered he’s

Just remember, most people ARE distressed by it. This is a hive of scum & villainy. Mean spirited trolls abound here, and anything that furthers their agenda is OK.

Don’t let the assholes here shape your view. Most liberals are very good hearted people who don’t want to see anyone hurt. Just like most conservatives

He was a Bernie Supporter who didn’t like Hillary OR Trump. Not that any of that matters. We need to quit with the identity politics in cases like this. They aren’t productive. In fact, they’re extremely divisive.

You don’t need to make guns harder to get. You need to make the people who shouldn’t have guns better, or to make sure THEY don’t have access. Depriving good, law abiding people of a very effective means of protection is plain evil. I know that isn’t your intent, but that’s the result. We have almost as many guns in

Nah, they’ll just stab your ass and the mailman will find your door open and your house empty the next day. :(

You don’t play with guns. That’s a child’s take. Grow up.

You’re wrong on the first, and right on the second.

You’ll look really funny fucking a gun. I’m betting the gun will be the bull, and you’ll be the bitch in that situation. Be careful to make sure the gun is cool before you stick it up your ass.

Hey stupid: Gun control isn’t saving people in England, is it? People are being killed en masse, and not a bullet is being fired... except by the cops. Your statement is patently stupid, and patently false. Getting rid of guns won’t make us safer. It’ll just make the bad people switch tactics.

And it was won in England. How’s that working out for them, you stupid piece of shit? Go fuck yourself and quit being a misogynist, you flaming, gonorrhea laced asshole.  

Why? Think about it for a minute:

You’re in your bed, it’s 2AM. Someone kicks in your door, and you grab your pistol.

now, which is a better solution? Fumbling for ear protection and limiting one of your senses... a sense that might warn you about the location of an intruder? Or having a device on your gun that limits

That’s cute.

Kinda hard to run bases with a pistol in your shorts.

If you had two brain cells to rub together, you’d understand why the headline and the actual facts of that law are so divergent, and why it wasn’t a bad thing to kill that badly written law.

And if someone has broken into your home a 2AM, you probably won’t have ear protection nearby. Add to that it’s not a good idea to limit one of your senses in such a situation because you’ll need them all to keep yourself and your family safe.

Not hurting your ears as much when you shoot.

By the way, the OP posted a trick question. There is no such thing as a silencer. The best one does is to muffle the sound down to a safer level. (Safer, not safe) The fact that you bought the line shows your fundamental ignorance of the subject, and shows that you really

Your mom. In all fairness, she was actually hoping to find some steaming bukake to slurp down.

Guns aren’t the main problem. Horrible people are the main problem.