
Hillary just takes a hammer to that shit.

The last few times I tried that, I was instructed to just call 911.

Hell, ask Hillary how to store data... :p


Simple: The cops and their bosses aren’t interested in anything other than the appearance of compliance. This is theater, nothing more.

“Power attracts the corruptible. Suspect any who seek it.”

Reality Winner.

Peakaboo Street.

Peter Pantz (I swear it’s a real name)

They’re probably both equally bad.

Let them call in the piss, and have dispatch mark the time and fuzz it out.

If we want to be serious about cleaning up police bad actors (We aren’t), we need to have rules in place that immediately suspend (without pay) any LEO (Law Enforcement Officer) who turns off his or her body cam. Period. The cameras need to be sealed systems, and need to be always on. You get to wear a gun in public,

Oh... you’re one of the slow children who knee-jerks “DUHR! MISOGYNY!” huh. I couldn’t care what shriveled body parts Pelosi has tucked under that mass of wrinkles. I’m really sad for you that it’s all you can come up with for an argument. You seriously should get your head examined, child.

But hey, I’ll bite:


I’m pretty certain that your bar for a lobster roll is a bit higher than mine, just from proximity. ANY lobster roll with a good amount of lobster and a nice roll is heaven to me, just because I can’t get the damn things anywhere around here, and lobster is so ridiculously expensive here that it’s not really worth

Sorry... I’ll have a Hatch burger in your honor... The green chile pork enchiladas will be entirely in mine. :D

But hey, you can’t get a decent lobstah roll here to save your life... And I have to make my own clam chowdah to even get in sniffing distance of the stuff you take for granted!

I’d try it with flounder as well...

It’s worth it for the steaks alone. Everything else is gravy.

Not to rub it in, but I’m going to rub it in.

The next town over from me has a farmers market, and once a year has a big cylindrical roaster set up with tumbling, roasting hatch chiles. We stock up, They freeze well. Yay Texas! :D

I always remember the Simpsons with Lenny on a date: “I want your most expensive food, stuffed with your second most expensive food.”

That being said, Yum! I might try this with a flounder, as that’s a Texas coast favorite of mine.

Aww! Did I tramp on your hero?

I’ll take Trump over Pelosi every time. She’s that fucking bad. Worst Speaker in a hundred years. And that includes Tip O’Neil, Paul Ryan, and Sam Rayburn.

Oh, and I think Trump is God-Awful.

While cost of living factors in, but that still doesn’t mean that a job worth about $12 an hour merits $45 an hour. Or even $37 an hour + benefits, with a 100% pension.

Unions are really good at distorting the market. I have no major problem with them when they’re voluntary, but a real one with the mandatory ones. I

At that price, you can get a gas smoker. If you absolutely cannot have a flame on your apartment patio, then this MIGHT be OK to use.

If you’re anywhere else, and can have fire, go for the gas smoker... or go to a chip/pellet smoker. I say this as someone who moved up to a gas smoker from an electric. The electric is

At that price, you can get a gas smoker. If you absolutely cannot have a flame on your apartment patio, then this