
And she’s Crazy. Very... very.... crazy. Toys in the Attic. Truly gone fishing.

(This isn’t a defense of Dumb Donald, it’s an attack on Weird Nancy)

Bullshit. It was a union job and was far overpriced. $90K a year to sit there and take a ticket from someone is monkey work. $90K a year is what someone makes with a Masters Degree in Business Management.

You realize that many smaller airports are already private towers, don’t you?

There are private towers in operation today you know. They’re just as safe (Well, safer), and cost about a quarter of the price a government tower costs to run. They ARE, admittedly, only used in lower volume airports.

And then they’d have to fix the problem, or someone else would start a company that fixed the problem. Net win.

Yeah... because Walmart keeps jacking up their prices... So do all of those companies who perform lasic surgery...

You really haven’t got a clue about anything economic, do you?

Life lesson child: The only time prices keep going up are during times of scarcity or under a government funded monopoly. If things aren’t

So you ignore one area of improvement because you can’t get the other? What kind of sense does that make?

See? That’s where you’re wrong. Oh, there were bigots in the group, no doubt. But if you think for one moment that the Clinton supporters are somehow better people than the Trump ones, well... you have some growing to do. The people who were voting against Clinton had solid moral reasons to dislike her. And you aren’t

The fact that you see it as a battle is the saddest part. And don’t forget, the right has a LOT more guns than the left. You really don’t want an actual battle. You’ll all end up sucking your thumbs, praying to Science for a safe-space.

I say this as a libertarian who is clinically amused by the farcical misadventures

I could see the use of the WiFi if you like to hang out across the house and your bluetooth doesn’t quiiiiite make the connection. It’s nice to have the alerts.

I could see the use of the WiFi if you like to hang out across the house and your bluetooth doesn’t quiiiiite make

Ignore Moe & Larry this time... Listen to Shep. This is a great choice.

Ignore Moe & Larry this time... Listen to Shep. This is a great choice.

I also buy my rolls in bulk. I never buy the actual Foodsaver branded ones as they’re hella expensive in relation to the ones you can get on Amazon. I use my sealer at least once a week, and bought 2 50' rolls for something like $18, and am still on the first one. I got the Sous Vide for Christmas, and bought the

Probability Broach?

Heh... wait till Ginsburg kicks it. Or Breyer... The Dems are screwed if Trump gets to pick their replacements. Hell, if Kennedy dies, that could also be a major game-changer.

So you’re no better than he is. Got it.

Everyone knew the score going in. Stop being a sad-faced little clown.

I’m pretty sure that very few people actually voted FOR either Trump or Clinton. I’d guess most votes were placed AGAINST those two.

She was expecting a coronation, not an election. Everyone near her had her completely convinced that she was already president. She put in a lackluster performance, and frankly, was a lackluster performer who was beat out 8 years prior by a Jr. Senator with absolutely no credentials worth mentioning. Her personal

Nah... it’s far easier to point and blame everything but yourself. That’s the way of the modern liberal.

You’re getting more pathetic and conspiratorial with each second.

“It should never have been close.”

But it was close. In fact, if California had voted for Hillary like they voted for Obama, the election would have been a dead heat.

Oh, and a huge percentage of the population? You mean of the population who chose to