
I’m no accident expert, but aren’t cars designed nowadays to crumple in the front as that FIAT did? If the car isn’t crumpling, then the drivers and passengers are absorbing the energy from the impact. Looks like the front of the FIAT just slid under the Volvo, hence why the Volvo’s bumper is fine. The seating

Toyota doesn’t understand why its web browser has an “incognito” mode

Well that's a first. A dude replying 6 times to his own post.

I just checked craigslist for 1997 Buick Skylark fusebox covers, and realized its not the worst part at all.

I read in another article on this very website that some competing automakers will steal bits of cars to run material tests so they know what they're up against. That sounds infinitely more believable than a gang initiation.

Well, the letter writer is into having his junk bound, so he’s probably down for whatever.

Or you could just trade it in to a dealer and avoid all of that hassle.

So he lane split and positioned his bike in front of the car? What does that mean exactly?

Not enjoying the car however you choose to is like not sleeping with your wife because someone else could do it more-correctly.

Cobra 427 S/C. Unassisted brakes, unassisted steering with huge tires, hot, LOUD, cramped, physically assaultive power output, truly rudimentary suspension, creature comfort highlights include a windshield and seats.

wow, to think that we now live in a time where someone can say an e36 m3 has shitty acceleration...I dunno man, 0-60 in 5.5 seconds and 1/4 mile near 14 seconds is not shitty, even today. It’s not hypercar fast, but damn.

Break downs on the side of the road bring the family closer. My sister and I had so much fun on the side of freeway running through fields after our trailer had a tire blow up and had to wait a while for everything to get fixed.

What if I don't like blue cars?

Any car can be a big sex toy if you do it right.

Tavarish is going to be disappointed. This didn’t do nearly enough damage structurally to make them a good buy for the price of a Camry.

I guess it means, different strokes right?

‘Eff them!

Thank you! It’s always easy to say “lightweight” or “smaller,” but harder to do. We have to keep the car safe for the customer. That’s the big difference between the R35 and the older cars. We also keep making these much more powerful. That means we have to worry about more heat, and we need more cooling. It’s not

Opinions are like assholes, we all have one :D

Americans are really weird. Who the hell could possibly want a 50-hp diesel auto Corolla for 3 fucking grand when you could get dozens of turbo petrol-powered cars that get decent mileage on their ridiculously cheap fuel for the same price? I could sort-of understand something more interesting like an old diesel