NSX: Wrong. That car is amazing and I’m glad it was produced. People are just pissy because it’s not like the first one. Call it something else and people would be raving about it.
NSX: Wrong. That car is amazing and I’m glad it was produced. People are just pissy because it’s not like the first one. Call it something else and people would be raving about it.
These are some bad takes. And I predict the new M4 will age well.
I only agree with the M4. The rest are great in their own way (sometimes that means a terrible way).
Anything produced by this company.
I’ve got a few:
[24 hours later] “Here’s what’s going on with this wheel [slideshow]”
Give me a break. The ‘bonk’ came after they had exchanged words and Bottas was giving the finger before Russell tapped his helmet.
Wait, wait, don’t start blaming the victim, the tree was just growing there.
That’s ridiculous! We now know that biking makes you ugly because you buy stupid clothes.
RV Driver: “Wow, this thing is really struggling.”
Goddamnit Ferrari, it’s pretty hard to fuck up red and yet here we are.
The passage you quoted actually has nothing to do with the directionality when in motion.
Look how great this worked without damned slideshow.
Seriously, no more of that crap.
What livery??? It’s a bad shade of green with a not particularly interesting black two-tone and a pink stripe. This is like the third outlet I’ve seen raving about this thing. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills.