
Yes, while being obessed with model ex.

I thought his OJ show was good.  Of course, that’s an adaptation of a real event so he already had an ending.

I saw some of it. I just couldn’t really get into it.  It felt like a re-purposed American Horror Story season.

The funny thing about the first Cars movie is it’s basically Doc Hollywood, but with animated cars.

For some reason I felt that movie dragged on way too long.

There was no transition from Stoltz to Fox. One was fired during production and all his scenes were re-short.

You know, the show was fine.  It wasn’t the greatest TV show written by any means but it was entertaining.  But I think it’s done.  They said they only wanted three seasons and that seems fine.

Wow, I had completely forgotten about The Tortellis.

I would actually like to see Friday The 13th 3 in 3D.  Apparently there’s only like one film copy that still exists with the original 3D?

The rental issue is only an issue because there’s lack of housing to keep up with the growing populations of urban areas.

Scream this from the rooftops.  Everyone has metrics their judged by with respect to getting their work done.  The idea that managers can’t figure out if people are working unless they see them sitting at a desk doesn’t measure anything.   Plenty of people have slow days they showed up for but didn’t do an a whole lot

Charity is nice and all but they’d have a better success rate if they just paid the employees more to come in.  Either way I still wouldn’t want to come in if I didn’t have to.

Not to mention, time in seat doesn’t equal productivity. I have friends who are lawyers and they mentioned staying later not because of work, but because they might be expected to be called on to do something.

This is so stupid.  If they’re not meeting their deadlines then fire them.  WFH isn’t the problem.  Lazy people are lazy in the office too.

There’s also not been enough new construction to keep up with demand.  Not to mention zoning restrictions that force single family homes on lots where you could build duplexes and smaller apartment buildings.

Oh yeah.  There was a lot of stuff swirling around him about underage boys at parties even before #metoo took off. 

This kind of sucks.  I just binged the first two seasons recently.  While I think it lacked a big of the mystery and courtroom drama in the second season, it still had time build on that.  It’s too bad they’re not getting a second season.

I still felt pretty compelled to binge episodes when I started watching it a month or two ago. I wasn’t sure I was going to like it but I was pleasantly surprised.  I really liked the other characters  they put around him like Della and Paul.

They had an idea of what to do but he was so erratic they couldn’t even get much beyond the tax cuts they wanted. At that point they at least had a moron sitting there to get their extreme judges through.

Don’t forget banning books talking about racism and now going after companies that try to be inclusive in hiring.