They’re not stopping at school libraries. They just defunded a library in Michigan because they refused to ban an LGTBQ book.
They’re not stopping at school libraries. They just defunded a library in Michigan because they refused to ban an LGTBQ book.
But the cool kids left so he’s stuck sucking up to Catturd.
I was about to mention the same thing. The problem is they think the US is obsessed with race, when the reality is, we just confront it more here and they chose to pretend it really doesn’t exist.
No, it just means smearing your blood on raw wounds doesn’t cure them.
I don’t think she’s easily offended. I’m going to assume it was a lot of people on that set that had problems with his behavior, not just her.
That was I think the first Netflix season, so season 4?
I thought they just paid a lump sum for music usage unlike the old model of paying per use.
He was also just in History Of The World Part 2.
They also had the company undermining them with Burke.
I don’t think people had an issue with them not being in the movie, but just completely killing them off was a pretty big downer to start the movie.
That was my issue with it too. It felt like it just wiped out everything that happened in the second movie and was like “never mind everyone died anyway.”
I’m just remembering that it had Ann Dowd as Natalie Portman’s mom and Jean Smart was also in this film. I remember kind of liking it ok when it came out but it’s not really anything that I’ve thought much about since.
I thought he died when a bunch of party guests along with Jessica Biel ate him?
He did much better with his cover of Nine Inch Nails.
Agreed. The songwriting was still solid but it just felt like the production was really lacking on some things. It was like many had the potential to be really great but just didn’t get there.
Once could argue the Boston chapter was incompetent or simply not powerful enough to really do any damage to FEDRA there. If anything they’re just some resistance collective. Also I think larger groups trying to travel outside the QZ zones are bigger targets in general. They do eventually get Marlene to CO an then UT.…
They would go back and forth within an episode with multiple storylines like Game Of Thrones or other TV shows so it wouldn’t be hard. It would definitely be a more expansive world but the game was that way too. They would just adjust it to work better in TV. I mean they already kind of started out a bit that way…
Yeah I was going to say, there’s a lot of misery and sadness in the second game so they’ll have to balance that out. I guess it makes sense to split that story out in more seasons considering how much is going on. You have Ellie’s journey but then all the stuff with Abby and the Saraphites.
She was really good in that scene too. She should get hired for more stuff.
That was the point, it was supposed to be sad.