Rob Oakes

While I agree for consumer items, there are others where the extended warranty can be a lifesaver. On computers, for example. I always get the AppleCare, and I'm usually glad I do. I've had two hard drives and three chargers fail so far.

@Marand: One solution is to add dock widgets before maximizing the window. For example, I've got a custom outline extension that I use. It's got a few organizational tools and if I maximize that on the left side of the screen, it isn't so bad. Another option is to split the screen into left and right panes before

@Marand: I do wish the LyX full screen implementation was a little prettier. Or that I could adjust the width of the text. I tend to work on a big screen computer and to proof text all the way across the screen is a little bit tiresome. On a smaller computer, it isn't such a big deal.

@Marand: Agree, rather strongly. The reason I like LyX is that it forces me to focus on writing. If I"m indecisive, then I'm stuck to mostly moving the cursor back and forth. This causes me to focus and start writing, quickly.

@videobeagle: Like I said, it's just wrong. Given an aggressive lawyer and enough motivation, nearly anything can be defined as "generating trade."

@ru486: Gah, someone (probably Trump, that fucking bastard) trademarked "You're Fired"? Someone from USPTO let them trademark "You're Fired"?

@richard.cosgrove1: As much as I'd like to say that it is the presentation tool that destroys the presentation, it is not. Even though Edward Tufte said it, PowerPoint does not make you stupid. Poor planning and rushed preparation make you ill-prepared to deliver a talk.

@richard.cosgrove1: As much as I'd like to say that it is the presentation tool that destroys the presentation, it is not. Even though Edward Tufte said it, PowerPoint does not make you stupid. Poor planning and rushed preparation make you ill-prepared to deliver a talk.

@richard.cosgrove1: As much as I'd like to say that it is the presentation tool that destroys the presentation, it is not. Even though Edward Tufte said it, PowerPoint does not make you stupid. Poor planning and rushed preparation make you ill-prepared to deliver a talk.

@Dodge2002: Who cares if he's old? When did old people become irrelevant? Steve Jobs is old, so is Bill Gates. And by your definition, Obama is approaching old very quickly.

Vote: Simple stuff, LaTeX/Beamer

@xaronax: Agreed. Simplicity is the realm of the stupid. Give me elegance or give me death. Elegance is where smart design and smart engineering meet up.

@acidrain69: The figure was originally posted in the NYT article about the Death by Powerpoint. What is ironic is that it isn't a Powerpoint slide, but a network diagram/concept map that probably began life in Illustrator.

@MagicTrackpad: Some Ninja master. He couldn't even get his throwing starts onto *his own* plane. Hearing that was the most epic letdown of ... uhm ... yesterday.

@eboku: Please tell me that you are joking. Are you really comparing Apple fans to those of Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony?

The only thing that really interests me here is the Netflix support. Though, it could be a killer Netflix device.

@CaptainJack: I think the backward writing was more a quirk than for secrecy. It isn't that hard to read (lots of kids do it in childhood), and it's more convenient for left-handed people. (It avoids smudging.)

@Die Fledermaus: Okay, let's try the link again (since Gizmodo did strange things to it).

@Die Fledermaus: Leonardo was also an accomplished dissector. For a really good book on Leonardo's anatomy work, take a look at the "Mechanics of Man" by Martin Clayton ([] It has a very good introduction on how Leonardo got started with cadavers and dissection.

@eboku: Most excellent point. But most soulless multibillion dollar corporations do not have a slobbering, apologetic legion of zombie fans. Google does (sort of), and Linux might qualify ... but that's really kind of it. As far as technoreligion goes, Apple stands alone.