Rob Oakes

@Hello Mister Walrus: I think it's specific to electric cars only. I didn't read the full shell article, but they appeared to be using actual chemical fuels. This makes me wonder if the "equivalent" calculation might be a bit off.

@Bobby Stanley: Here, here! Couldn't agree more. Which means that anyone caught lauding the "innovations" of Apple and Steve Jobs should be beaten, tarred and feathered.

@Jello4Brains: It's more than just procedure, in some places it's the law. In patent claims, experimental notebooks can be entered as evidence. This makes them legal documents. For that reason, inappropriate modification can open you up for charges of fraud.

@Jack Musick: No, it's worse to be a fanboi, particularly if the brand is Apple. It isn't so much that fanbois like Apple, but hate anything that isn't Apple. Which probably means that the bitch ratio of fanbois to non-fanbois is probably pretty high.

@wætherman: Ugh. Any time someone refuses to post the price for their products, you know it's going to be ridiculous.

@Railgun5: Unicorn blood would be of little use here. It only provides resiliency to glass and other silicon based materials. What you're looking for is Unicorn horn shavings. When you combine those with plastics, it greatly improves their strength. Fairy wings might work too, but I wouldn't know. They're awful

@afreemaniii: I agree, but Ballmer's got money to burn. If even some of these interns like the platform, write software, and advertise to their friends; it was a tremendously smart investment.

@ThomasWolfSwe: I think he is. And more unfortunately, I think that he is right. What was the last truly spectacular movie, piece of literature, painting, or game that came from a single individual or a non-profit entity?

I wonder if this could be configured to run on a local instance of Apache, thereby by-passing the need for a server installation. Hmm ...

I hate email etiquette. Not so much the attempting to be respectful part, but more the moving target part. No matter how hard you try to respect people's time/privacy/preferences, you just can't please everyone.

@SDreamer: I think it depends on type of web page. For anything that needs to be posted on a system other than MobileMe, iWeb is awful. The links are monstrous, the code unreadable, and the output isn't really that pretty.

@nashix: Read your comment on Mac applications that should be on Windows, and thought that you might find this interesting:

@muimi07: Saw your comment on Software on Windows thread, and thought that this might be of some interest: []

@jjmontem: Uhg. Sorry, have to disagree. I much prefer Mendeley, which does everything Papers does, and is cross-platform and free. Zotero is also a very capable alternative, though not as "pretty." In both cases, the support for LaTeX and Cite-While-You-Write is superior. So much so, that I would never go back

@sean000: Love the message, but it's a bit too long. I rather like:

@LouieGeetoo: But it's a new version, and they've made many nice refinements to it. The big new addition is a hybrid sync app that takes what the old sync did + what Live Mesh did and combines them. It seems pretty nice (though I'm having withdrawls because they lowered the available sync space from 5 GB to 2 GB).

@Frizzaldo...: But I consider that news. Anything that validates my decision not to get an iPhone is news.

@swampthing: You're not kidding. TUAW has posted line pictures from four different Apple stores. If I wanted to see the Apple faithful (in all of their un-glory) sweating in line, I would head down to my local store or watch my local news.

@2matrix: I think it really matters on what you need. If you're going to be doing basic things (email, word processing, media), stick with what you know. In my opinion, Apple's computers just aren't worth it any more. I've spent more than $50,000 on Apple stuff in the past few years, and I've gotten a very poor