Roast Beef

True, but they’re making up an allegation from Jen Kirkman (who said she wasn’t talking about CK) and “other women.”

That is true.

Is this really what the AV Club has become?

AV Club commenters file complaint against Kinja, Univision for nonsense comment claims

Jen Kirkman also stated on her podcast that it wasn’t Louis CK she was calling out, and that Jezebel were terrible journalists for running the story after she asked them not to.

It’s pretty impressive that they join gizmodo and end up immediately trying to get sued for defamation. (Recklessness probably isn’t actually met here though, but this is partially why gawker media group is now called gizmodo).

“A.V. Club commenters want Univision to come clean about about its alleged Kinja misconduct”

Kirkman has said she wasn’t talking about Louis, she was talking about Stanhope I believe. And she didn’t say anything about him jerking off in front of her, the two people that said that are anonymous. I’m not sure what more CK can say other than what he said in the Vulture interview.

Yup. Welcome to hell.