
1. Josh has already confused everyone recently by 1) proposing to Rebecca in the first place, 2) jilting her at the alter and 3) disappearing to priest school. I could understand his friends already feeling like they didn’t entirely know Josh at the moment. And sometimes you do know people for so long that you stop

Abbi Jacobson directed this episode. Congratulations to her!

That may not have been the most suprising or twistiest episode of the show to date, but it also might have been the funniest.

I got anxiety just thinking about doing shrooms in an environment like NYC. I guess if you live there you’re used to it, but it just seems like way too much stimulation for that kind of trip. I always did shrooms in the mountains (I grew up in the Bay Area, so the Sierra Nevada was right there). Also, Jello is the

Yeah, a lot of Americans are unreasonably 24/7 “shook” by Trump. Most non-angry, non-hateful Americans are not happy about Trump (myself included), but there are still some of us that can still function without running every aspect of life through a Trump filter. It just ruins the things in life we can still enjoy.


I think this is more of a philosophical question that the show wants us to think about, than a structural inconsistency. Tahani had a lot of good actions that brought good into the world, but if she did it purely for her own glory (and for the spite of her sister), rather than a genuine desire to help people. Does


Clearly asexuals are people towards whom you’re incapable of feeling any empathy. That only reflects poorly on you. The irony here is that your 2nd comment is the answer to your 1st question.

Todd’s sexuality would be exactly as limiting in terms of stories they could tell about him if he was straight. The idea that straight is the default and alternatives take up narrative space is a common one online, and it never makes sense to me.

You’d never see anyone saying “I wish they weren’t focusing on Princess

It’s strange how you can be waiting for something and not know you’re waiting on it. Sitting and watching this with my girlfriend, she turned to me and asked if this is what it was like for me all the time. It was such a weird question, because I’ve struggled with depression and anxiety for such a long time that it

Beatrice was a cold and unloving mother, by all indications, and Bojack may be a slightly better horse than he once was, but he’s still not the forgiving type. He may want to be a father to Hollyhock, but he wants the love and respect he assumes come with the role, not the patience and self-sacrifice. Where Hollyhock

I think Frieda was just as wrong as Issa and shouldn’t have gotten that promotion. She was in on the segregated study sessions too! And she did nothing to help the situation other than get mad at Issa at that work meeting and in the break room. But then Issa gets in trouble because she comes clean about everything?

I said this in response to someone on the first review, but Todd being there makes me happy for the Ace community (which that’s such a cool name, I just get Pan. But I also get Deadpool on the representation front, so fair trade). I watch a lot of television, and to my knowledge this is one of the first times a

So this is my first comment on Kinja, the great new system of our time.

Well done, show. 2 episodes in and I already have that numb, hollow feeling.

We’re on the fourth season of this, and I still feel like the show is a well-kept secret few know about. The cast is amazing, the writing is excellent and it seems like FXX just lets Falk do his thing without forcing the usual sitcom/romcom tropes.

I thought it was a nice update with posters for each character at the end of their montage:

It’s actually the fault of Baby-boomers refusing to give up their power. This election was a generational step backwards from Generation X, back to the Baby-boomers. And they’re so old now and desperate to hold onto their power, that they elected the actual avatar of their Me-Generation. When it was all said and done,