
It's apparently a "subversion" of these kinds of tournaments. But it's kind of a shitty one because it's playing out exactly like anyone would've expected it would play out.

Mad Men, Broad City, and Rick and Morty is definitely my top three and I would be surprised if anything changed that. After that is probably some combination of OITNB, Louie, Community, Veep, and Fargo. And maybe Americans and Hannibal if I catch up on time.

I wouldn't say it's flawed as much as it's just designed to be a show that I can't care about much. This season was a lot better than the first two in that regard, but I still just can't muster up *all* that many cares about a show where I'm not supposed to like anyone. It'll probably always be a "really like, don't

It's an amazing episode and I hope it wins this tournament.

I really liked it overall but I'm liking the finale less and less the more I think about it.

God, I hope Rixty Minutes wins the episode tournament.

Yes, we get it. Important Prestige Dramas are more Important and Prestigious than silly comedies and genre shows.

It's a fantastic show but it is not the be-all of art or even of television like a lot of people make it out to be.

Ozymandias would've been a fantastic, daring ending. Not a completely satisfying one, but definitely one that would've stuck with me. Felina was almost the opposite of Ozymandias in that it bent over backwards to make a neat and tidy ending, which really didn't seem like Breaking Bad's thing, and it turn made the

I was referring more to your last sentence than anything else.

There is more to TV than angry white dude anti-heroes.

Well, they only had from S4 to choose from, and there's only 3 standalone episodes from that season. My personal pick would've been So Did the Fat Lady, but Model is not a bad choice at all.

That's what makes this boring, though. Cool, the most acclaimed and talked about episode of the past year gets more acclaim and gets to be talked about more.

OITNB is really a show more about individual moments and scenes than entire episodes, due to its huge array of characters. So it was always going to be disadvantaged by a competition like this.

I kinda wondered that too, but I don't know, the unarmed and injured had also just slaughtered two FBI agents and was on the run for mass murder…

I was surprised by the Healy and Pennssatucky material this season. It manages to sort of redeem both characters while still not backing away from the terrible things they've done.

Yeah, it's interesting to me that Soso probably has her own Season 1 Piper story that we're not seeing. She may be an annoying character (intentionally so), but I found her more and more interesting as the season went on and I hope we get more of her story in Season 3.

Yeah, that's definitely part of it. I also just don't think the show is that brilliant. (Unlike say, Breaking Bad, where the fanbase of that show often irritates me but I still love it).

5 minutes of any show is not a good representation of that show. Maybe it was a bad 5 minutes. Surely even your favorite shows had some clunky scenes that you wouldn't be proud to show off. Or maybe the show isn't for you, which is fine, but to arrogantly scream about how it's objectively terrible because the promos

I'm not saying everyone hates it now or something. I just don't see nearly as much discussion about it as I would've expected given how huge it was when it was airing. (And I'm talking more about people catching up with it or re-watching it and discussing the episodes that exist rather than speculating on the new