She’s got the look for it. It would be quite the Joyride.
She’s got the look for it. It would be quite the Joyride.
I’ll bite.. as a heavy travaller, while I can’t (and won’t speak for EVERYONE on the plane, I can give some reasonable answers to this):
Butler would jump at the chance given how much fun he seems to have in any role he accepts, and how well received his performance was in Rockanrolla. But I wouldn’t say his career has tanked, he is the lead in an atrocious but ridiculously successful franchise whose third part was one of this year’s summer…
I’m torn when i see things like this. Initially you say “well....stupid questions by stupid pressers get stupid replies...” but then....This is a grown-ass woman hitting a ball for a living. She’s not waiting on tables. She’s not some Doctor relieving a brain aneurysm. She’s not trying to feed 4 hungry kids while…
i should probably be banned for posting this, but i think my favorite movie of 2019 so far is dragged across concrete. i completely hate myself for how much i loved that movie.
Honestly? No, nor should we. Banning someone for violating a particular service’ TOS is one thing- you are agreeing to play by their rules when you sign up, with the knowledge that the service has the right to kick you out for bad behaviour.
As someone who lives in Boston - lighten the fuck up dude.
Best of luck, sincerely.
Describing to people how to stop taking a medication is something that is very dangerous. This should ONLY be done by the prescribing doctor. The whole idea of this article is a terrible idea. The title of this article should be
If humanity needs to hear the grave warnings of climate change from a man in order to save the planet, fine.
Why did you include a spoiler in this review?!
You regularly take glee in calling anyone that disagrees with you a racist/sexist/homophobe.
Well of course you would never apologize to everyone on here you damned as a racist for finding the story a bit fishy. You’ve demonstrated on here for years that you’re just a hateful little troll. Hate is all you’ve got in your life apparently.
...since it implies a deficiency
“I put things in quotes that nobody said, or implied, and that makes me very clever. I’m good at conversations.”
The Atomic Bombings were, much like every part of war, horrific. However, they were still better than the alternative.
Some people took issue with the game’s portrayal of cops and Spider-Man’s relationship to them. Kotaku’s Heather Alexandra critiqued the game’s black and white approach to law enforcement as predominantly unimpeachable good guys and criminals as violent anarchists, but she wasn’t alone. The Ringer, Deadspin, and Dot…
This has always been the correct take since before whoever the comedian you’ve cited said anything. It’s fun to make fun of Fieri’s overly exuberant personality and style choices (his competitors on the next food network star competition underestimated him before he absolutely destroyed them because of this) but that…