
Some places do. California, Texas, Virginia I think, maybe Illinois, but I forget. It’s just as common not to. A lot of the east coast states like Maryland, New York, DC, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina I believe all just categorize it as assault (this just happens to be some law nerdery I had to research for work

Hey, white bystanders. You. Fucking do something you culpable assholes.

I do not advocate violence under most circumstances. HOWEVER, I will believe for the rest of my life you have the right to beat the shit out of anyone who spits on you. It’s happened to once in my life and things went sideways for that young man quickly.  

Guess he should have thought of that before being a racist who assaults people with his spit then, huh?

I was a timid little girl. I’m an only child; so I was always happy to be around other kids but painfully shy when I met them for the first time. The first time I went to visit my paternal grandmother, when I was about 6 years old (as she tried to repair her strained relationship with my mom’s side of the family), I

“That’s assault, you know that’s assault right, Robert?” a voice behind the camera can be heard saying.

spit in his face...”

I am so glad he was arrested. Now his business needs to fail.

Yeah, I’d have the same reaction. Spitting on a person may be the highest level of disrespect towards someone.

I have. After extensive research and calculations, I figured the exact sum is:

So which airline has not brutally beaten its customers yet? I have to book a flight for my mom, and I love her, but she has a bit of a glass jaw.

Well, that’s....uh....good, I guess. Now, combine the warm fuzzies with thorough psychological screenings of academy applicants, proper training in using non-lethal force instead of resorting to the shoot ‘em up stylings, and effective outreach to ALL communities, and you’ve got a good thing going!

Hope they’re handing out Pepsi, too.

Why are you being so condescending about this? Good teachers don’t bash their students. We complain about a lot of things - all the shitty testing, shrinking budgets, the hours of paperwork, how hard it is to get some parents to call us back, how badly we need to pee. But we don’t just shit-talk CHILDREN.

You’re right. The teacher wouldn’t have said it if there wasn’t some level of validity behind it!

Even if that is true? NOT OKAY TO SAY TO CHILDREN. For all I care, this student could have set off 12 stink bombs in the teacher’s lounge, still NOT OKAY.

I’m guessing you don’t have kids then.

What I’ve figured out is that good teachers don’t shit-talk their students, period.

So this teacher made headlines for being a jackass and did something this wildly inappropriate, but you assume the kid did something to deserve this kind of treatment? You, a full grown adult, make that type of assumption but can’t see how that could have a ripple effect on the children that see her get that award?

Not okay in the teachers’ lounge. Not okay in private. These are the people whose job is teaching and inspiring. Labeling kids “most likely to be homeless” let alone a terrorist speaks volumes about how they really feel about their students.