Duke Christopheles

“Independence Day: Resurgence” was a pretty bad movie, but I really liked how they handled the two gay scientists...uh, until they killed one.

I’m a straight white dude, so maybe I’m way off base here and have no idea what I’m talking about.

Shouldn’t we not celebrate when a character’s sexuality isn’t portrayed in an exploitative manner? It always seems weird to me when any media goes out of it’s way to make a point about a character being gay or bi or

Well I think quota check boxes are stupid to begin with, because they lead to these circular discussions. “A gay character? Great, but it’s a gimmick!” “No gay characters? What homophobes!” etc etc etc.

I’m Latino and gay... and couldn’t disagree more with your comment.

Only the incredible bias and prejudice of this post’s author.

Yup. I’m moved from being aghast at this election to Let It All Burn. Let rural America die quick. Before America as a whole will come together to challenge 21st century issues (and the ever continuing pre 21st century issues of racism, sexism, etc) we are going to have to feel something much worse than the Great

I went one further and let everyone know that I was neither interested in giving nor receiving gifts over xmas. The relief from everyone across the board was seismic. What a stupid, stupid waste that it took decades to come to that decision.

Yeah if vegan food is so good why the fuck do you people keep making faux meat dishes? Because you know in your hearts that your food preference is yucky!

Newsflash; people who can’t tell they’ve been conned surprised when it turns out they’ve been conned.

Also emphases how just as important it is what you DON’T DO WRONG as much as what you do right, despite the media and the voters’ short attention span and high expectations. There’s never a news article that says “President avoids disastrous misstep again today due to ignorance of cultural or historical context,” but

Putting hands over ears and chanting to drown out those that disagree with you is how we got Trump.

I’ve had so many of the same conversations with my friends on both sides of the spectrum. My main thing I’ve tried to get across is for people to stop being so defensive and open them up to hearing opinions from the other side that they don’t agree with. In my experience, coming across that way has produced way

What you need to understand is that the bulk of people are inherently reasonable. Not all of them, but most of them. Further, such peoples’ views are largely informed by “sides” they have taken, rather than deep thought on the issues. When you start to discuss things with them, in a way that makes them rationalize

I think this attitude is an extremely large part of how the alt right gained so much traction. What happened to proper debate and discourse? If we, as liberals, are so afraid of her voice being heard, and are willing to silence controversial topics then are we really striving for a fair and balanced society? or one

Wow, no. Have we learned nothing from this last election? Silencing racists and mean-spirited bigots like Lahren only feeds into their martyr complexes. I’m reminded of how many conservative speakers have been able to play the victim card after being stopped from speaking on college campuses.

This is happening under Obama. Yeah, it’ll get worse under Trump. But this is occurring under a Democratic president, with little attention from anyone in the party.

Yup. I’m so over it. The cynicism and the easily offended crowd are fucking exhausting at this point. You can’t say anything anymore. Everything celebrities do and say is potentially problematic even when they don’t have bad intentions. What is a celebrity to do, if not be a voice for thousands of people in their same

The point is not whether or not he’ll help. The point is whether or not they think Hillary Clinton would have. And the answer to that appears to be no, with good reason. She supported NAFTA and TPP. Her manufacturing plan was platitudes and cliches. And she never visited Wisconsin, and barely visited Michigan. But

Hi. Before we go any further, I want this to be clear. I’m half-white and half-black. So if you somehow think this is about me trying to excuse white people because I am one, you’re half-right and half-wrong. (A little biracial humor for you there.)

“If your date seems openly immature or oblivious to major social norms on your first few dates, it will likely only get worse as they get more comfortable with you.”