Global warming is just going to take too long and make a lot people suffer.
Global warming is just going to take too long and make a lot people suffer.
Actually it’s the best way to make people not feel like you’re shoving them away, and to give them a chance to come into the light - which, given the main audience is teenagers, a lot of them will. Most of the pitiable creatures who use the term SJW and the like are not actually hardcore bigots, just kids being…
Overwatch is political. Because everything is political. When you’re treated unfairly, calling for fairness is political. When you’re treated unkindly, calling for kindness is political. When you’re excluded, calling for inclusion is political. The only way to completely avoid “being political” is to already have…
Everything is political to some degree. Design decisions are the results of deliberate choices made within a specific sociopolitical sphere by people with specific sociopolitical beliefs and values.
Also because the type of open world games they make is substantially different.
Uhh, no. Maybe 10% of the time. 90%? No. Or do you believe that Sandy Hook was a false flag, 9/11 was an inside job, Comet Pizza is the center of an international pedophilia ring led by John Podesta and Hillary Clinton, and that aliens have landed?
I support you and your decision. I understand your choice and I also understand why others who are too eager to continue the witch hunt continue theirs. I don’t understand why people don’t understand your position other then looking elsewhere on the internet. People like those clamoring that you are supporting his…
This statement implies willful ignorance—or a desire to cover for hateful statements made by others because, “It’s on Twitter, it’s not serious, lulz.”
Hey, I just wanted to say: While I don’t agree with your viewpoints about how what Playtonic is doing is enough to warrant not buying their game, YOU have every right to do so because that’s your decision. Everyone here calling you a white supremacist, or an a**ole just for deciding not to buy the game is overreacting…
Ah okay, I understand now. Sure, that’s a totally valid viewpoint to have re: Destiny at large. (For additional context on my end, despite my political views leaning left I actually think Destiny is a huge dick from back in his SC2 days.)
While I still think that’s a bit of a stretch to pull your support from the…
I would like to remind everyone that this is not censorship and that Playtonic as a private business has the right to express itself as they see fit. If they do not wish to include voice work by a controversial figure in their video game that is well within their right. Jon’s free speech was not violated in any way…
The point of relationships is to provide support and companionship. I.e., make your life better. If someone isn’t making my life better, they can GTFO. And the better I get at providing for my own needs, the less the chance most people have of improving my life any. So at a time in my life when I should be desperate…
Kind of hard to get a lot of motivation to connect to people when nearly everyone today thinks you are the worst person in the world for having a single opinion on anything diverging from theirs.
Sadly, I agree with you. Better to be genuine and alone than an artificial social animal. I remember a time when I enjoyed the company of others and sought out group activities. But a lifetime of disappointment and realization that 99% of the people I thought were trustworthy turning out to be people with an angle…
Yeah IV and Alpha Centauri are the two that have never been replicated for me. So many hours spent on those games....
Could you please refer to white republicans as such, and not representative of an entire ethnic group?
You might be overthinking it. There are a few reasons why military families tend to vote Republican:
I’m a proud, bleeding heart white liberal who hates Trump. 51-48 isn’t really white people loving Trump.
People are getting their info from the same places you listed: YouTube and Google. But they only accept the info that confirms their world view, and anything else is a lie perpetuated by the government, or by liberals, or by women, or by scientists with an agenda, or or or.... and so they can dismiss it as “fake news”…