
Honestly, anyone that legitimately believes the porgs were a major concern worth arguing about need to fuck off. If you don’t like them, fine, whatever. If you throw a bitch fit at people that say they do like them you have a fucking problem.

Yeah, but Star Wars takes place a long time before 1988.

Points for coming up with a semi-plausible explanation, but, if that’s the reason, then something about it needed to be articulated in the film itself in support of it. There was absolutely no discussion about Snoke’s ship being uniquely vulnerable to that sort of tactic.

Suicide bombers doesn’t really sound like the Rebellion’s type of thing.

I’m pretty sure that’s the kind of thing you could automate. It’s not like they’ve established that the physics of Star Wars requires a meat pilot at the helm. Of course, it also brings into question Han exiting lightspeed right above the surface of Starkiller Base. Kinda seems like he should have similarly affected

Her failure to communicate with her subordinates sparked a mutiny, and she waited until half the transports were destroyed to employ a tactic that should have been plan A once she decided that she was sacrificing herself with the ship anyway.

That was easily the mlst gasp-inducing moment in the movie (up to that point), but in hindsight it really begs the question: if this tactic is so effective, why didn’t they hyper-freakin-drive through the first and second Death Stars? Through the Executor?

“moved on” my dude you posted here twice

She’ll get thermodynamics training however, where she’ll rapidly conclude there is no parallels to fossil fuels or nuclear for efficient, cost effective, real world energy production for a global, exponentially growing human population in the billions

It’s not efficient?? Really??? You mean an 11 year old that doesn’t understand thermodynamics has come up with an idea for energy production that is thermally and therefore economically inefficient, and she was encouraged by ignorant and misguided political ideologue teachers with no science training???

She’ll grow up, take chemistry, learn thermodynamics, and realize how silly her idea was.

I can’t accurately describe this in text form but imagine you on the ground and the theme flying way over your head. Just go rewatch the OT, since that’s what all the fanboys really want.

Scaling from prototypes is a bastard

Yea, the TVTropes website got out of hand fast. At this point it seems like having a narrator or an opening shot is a “trope.”

It’s actually really good and surprising.

This is a second comment but my first one was already pretty long and I’ll probably combine them into an actual article but here is my issue with what Star Wars fandom has become. I hate to use the world entitlement cause I don’t think it’s that but it’s definitely some kind of amnesia as to what the experience of

I can’t believe they killed off Snoke in the middle of the fucking movie and then had Kylo Ren take over the entire First Order. That is such a ballsy move.

Fans pre-Dec. 15:

Funnily enough, I loved this movie for the exact same reasons you hated it, my dude

I’m surprised and disappointed by the amount of negative fan reaction, especially in comparison to TFA, which I also enjoyed but was a much more flawed film.