I’m bothered by the fact that you tried to be fancy and used “whom” when you should have used “who.”
I’m bothered by the fact that you tried to be fancy and used “whom” when you should have used “who.”
Paul Thomas Anderson has never won an Oscar for best director. Neither did Stanley Kubrick or Alfred Hitchcock. Kevin Costner and Mel Gibson have both won Oscars for best director. Interesting.
Only a society as decadent as America would deem interspersing examples of the equally trite green-and-gold color scheme within a movie to be a significant improvement on relying solely on the teal and orange shit. The Shape of Water is rife with both color schemes; both hackneyed and lazy, and both deserving of…
Its not open world, its kind of kike fable where its all interconnected hallways.
Hey now, that’s a bannable offense you just committed
I can not stand playing racing games online. Everyone gets super serious, and throws tantrums if you hit their car. My strategy is usually to use other cars a rail to help guide me around the corner s. It works ok for me and they could implement the same strategy if they wanted. I understand having no contact rules in…
If you see any dudes streaming with a camera aimed at their banana hammock, advertising their private patreon where you can get a peak underneath and their channel advertises nsfw chat then be my guest. There are women who get unfairly harrassed AND there are women who try their hardest to do a softcore porn show for…
OK, no one is “asking for it” nor should that ever be an excuse for deplorable behavior. However, let’s also not stick our head in the sand and play dumb. Sex sells and, yeah, sometimes streamers are intentionally using that to gain viewers.
We have people blaming Tide for the rise in Tide pod challenges because they blame Tide for making Tide pods look like candy.
Autopilot has been used as a flying assist term for decades and hasn’t ever meant a pilot could or should give up control of the helm because it’s on. It’s appropriately named, it’s just that people’s understanding of what that name has always meant is wrong.
autopilot is exactly what it means, autopilot does not mean full autonomy. do you think cruise control controls your vehicle while you cruise? do you think automatic windows automatically open and close? do you try to drive while in Park with an automatic transmission?
At no point does anyone in the article claim that Cage in particular is one of the people sexually harassing people.
How does it feel to live in a constantly triggered state?
“just be a fucking grown-up about it” solution.
I wholeheartedly support and comprehend the LGBTQ cause, but he\she covers the entire humanity anyway and “they” for a single individual is just wrong. Unless possessed by a hive mind.
My god, let the article be as is without whining about gender or not appropriating it.
yet there is no real consequence to having your car blown up.
Oh Christ, just shut up!
> “At first I just lay there while four people were having sex around me until I started being touched and feeling as though I HAD to participate. I was completely coerced into the orgy”