
I see oddly-focused Shia LeBeouf

$1,400 per ticket to watch Trump jerk himself off? Isn’t he usually the one paying other people to watch him jerk off?

And he called BuzzFeed, who released the dossier in full, “a failing pile of garbage” who would “suffer the consequences.”

Just me or... ?

Asshole didn’t replace his divot.

Well at least now he has a handicap

One in hole!

Have to say, the RAM driver did a great job getting his truck slid into just the right position.

“Only a Sith deals in absolutes.”

He knows some people in Russia, terrific people...

How much more authentic John Snow getting stabbed would have been if he had really been stabbed!

Outstanding idea!

Roman Polanski

What if David Blaine went on that Hollywood Medium show? It would be like the Perfect Bullshit Storm.

To be fair, it was a different era. In 1998, urinating in other people’s beds wasn’t as big of a deal as it is today.


Kids love this shit. My kids eat this up. It is their second favorite show after Project MC2.