RoadsterRevolution wants an NA Miata

You can have all of your self driving cars but I will have my manual miata please. I want full control over my car. A unimog would be nice too, especially in cities.

Hey Doug, I know you haven’t said anything about dougcar 2 yet but before the car is gone I wanted to throw out this suggestion, it is a rotary turbo, lifted Volkswagen thing with a manual that once appeared at a Barret Jackson auction.Saw it and thought of you!

Hey, I know you have not said anything about dougcar 2 but I wanted to offer up this suggestion before its gone.

Ha- I live in WV and see this all of the time. There is a house near mine with a confederate flag painted on to the concrete block. You see trucks with confederate flags on the back of them all of the time too.

I bought your first 2 books and loved them and I am sure that I will love this one!

How did you get ungreyed?

Wasn’t that steering wheel only on the 2oo5 c6?

Yeah when my dad was looking for a new car this winter we looked at a cadenza and it was truly hard to believe how much KIA has come around.

I thought my cousins versa was bad, man.

That stick looks like its in an awkward place but idk.

Idk whatever you want I mean if they get pretty good views and you enjoy it yeah keep it up.

Eh, my Dad had an optima rental when he wrecked his old z4 last year and it felt pretty nice, but when I was young, my moms 1st gen explorer was in the shop for 2 weeks and we had an old sportage rental and it was a POS.

Yeah I am guessing it was not too fun. Yeah these were made back when kia did not make the best cars.

Damn Doug, pay this man to get a new car. On a serious note, how did the manual transmission feel?


Jd, I was Bryce H until I got banned and locked out of my account, this is my new one, I dont want to get in to trouble and be permabanned from oppo myself.

No he is not me. Ask dusty, we are 2 different people.

I wish I could star this a million times !:)

Any tips for a young person wanting to get into racing? Also, was it hard to keep it secret that you were the stig?

I remember the stuffed anteater from your book! It was the one from my perspective right?