i fully expected this article to be about him being spammed for body shaming someone or something like that. surprisingly nice article to start my day, guys. i mean the header was a bit misleading, but it’s got a pretty perfect body.
“OMG.” Nathan thought, “how can I write articles about toxic people with all these nice people around?”
And they’re free to do that. Youtube, however, as a private company, has no obligation to provide the means for them to do it. It’s their house, they set the rules, if you don’t like it you can host your shit somewhere else.
Please go fuck yourself. He’s a fucking cop. It is a public fucking road. Your justification is very telling. Go wrap your shit around a pole if you think this is ok
Don’t give this douchebag a pass like he’s “one of us.” He wants to pull stupid shit on public roads, he isn’t a gearhead. He’s a reckless moron that likes cars. Big damn difference.
I love how Jones said “It is critical that you come and support the 1st amendment” about youtube censoring his channel.
California law and precedent has established the public’s right to access to the beach as well as the beach itself. Even in cases where the access was established through private property but uncontested for a reasonable period of time (somewhere on the order of about 5 years)
They are racking up their billable hours. There’s an associate somewhere about to make partner.
Technically, it’s urine.
Serious answer: I find it very hard to believe he actually believes what he is saying. He clearly understands exactly what he is doing.
Why not all of the above?
The idea the that public/sovereign government owns navigable waterways and beachfront at the intersection with the ocean is of ancient lineage, and you can find antecedents of the California Coastal Act going back to the Romans.
Doesn’t some langauge have a word for feeling joy at others’ failure?
I believe the German word is “Saskatchewan.”
us libs also hate the ACLU, Planned Parenthood and Greenpeace. You should join those too to piss us off. Also, liberals think the Democratic party is a sell-off, so you should volunteer for the Democrats for the midterms, and then post here - our snowflakes will melt in fury.
Nobody’s saying you can’t suck their cock. Totally up to you.
Guns in schools in absolutely, without a doubt, the hill I will die on.
Thoughts and prayers