Gosh I hated XIII. I was 12 hours in and still had no idea what the hell was going on with the plot.
Gosh I hated XIII. I was 12 hours in and still had no idea what the hell was going on with the plot.
Yeah I’ve eaten a few 60MG Kiva bars and didn’t feel any effect. The only time I felt medicated on edibles was when I munched down a 250mg chocolate bar on my own.
Thank you sir. Redline is a MASTERPIECE.
That’s what I’ve come around to believe.
I see where you’re coming from 100%. But go and listen to A$AP Rocky’s “LSD”, and while it’s obviously a drug song, it’s surprisingly melodic and catchy.
I know the type- usually Law School is a wake-up call, your acquaintance must be damn smart.
Right? My first, but not last, digital heartbreak.
Got that right. I’m going to be making student loan payments for the rest of my life.
Back when I was a kid my brother guessed my AOL password and stole my online girlfriend.
Yeah, my buddies don’t really buy my “post-rap” spiel either. I can’t help it. If the beat is hard then I love it. Hence why I listen to Playboy Carti’s “Magnolia” on repeat all day..
To his credit, Tucker Max is a decent writer and somewhat intelligent. You don’t make it through Duke Law on those schlubby looks alone.
I look at Lil Pump and RiFF RaFF as examples of post-modernism. These guys are pulling a T.S. Eliot on the rap game. It’s like hip-hop is dead, everything has already been said, so now these guys are caricatures of a dead art.
Lil Pump & RiFF RaFF are my guilty pleasures in hip-hop.
Slow news day huh?
Oh yeah that’s on my list for sure!
I bought a 3DS just so I could play Dragon Quest games. So I’m pretty jazzed up about another one coming! Totally justifies spending the money in my opinion. For people like me who are trying to play some old(ish) JRPG’s, the 3DS/2DS is pretty much the best system you can buy.
Umm you signed up for this, Netflix subscribers.
WHAT DID YOU SAY?!?!?!?!?!
I also have this question!
I say no more Christmas as a “central” holiday. Celebrate Jesus’ birthday on December 25th if you like, because that’s what Christmas is.