I say do it and see if you notice a reduction in people riding your Volt’s tail.
I say do it and see if you notice a reduction in people riding your Volt’s tail.
Honestly I would more chalk your situation up to the person making a calculated assement of whether you are possibly armed and angry in case of road rage retaliation.
Look at the size of those wheels!! Someone needs to do a piece on the history wheel sizes on cars. Clearly the size of this beast demanded big wheels, but at some point things were scaled back, considerably.
2nd Gen NSX is good answer but the better answer is a late model 1st Gen NSX.
Give this man a job a Jalopnik. Best answer right here.
Atleast BMW gave their V10 passenger sedan a proper 6sp manual to row yourself.
I have in the past when I was younger and naive.
Now if only they could allow you to see the road through that oversized hood/front end.
Meh.... last I heard KS was painting his with actual moon rocks from space.
I say have him call me when the engine let’s go and I’ll take it for a couple grand.
This thing is ONLY a looker when it’s parked next to the new Silverado and in no way is that a compliment.
I envy y’all for being so unaware that this is more or less status quo in Dirty Jersey.
I was about to say WTF but then I saw the Jersey plates and it suddenly all made sense.
That acid green example is great. Hope the offer the Supra in the color.
So then why does Dodge get away with adding another 207hp to a vehicle with another key and not get sued for losing control in the rain because of too much hp then expected?
Seriously, there are additional(special) keys to unlock top speed capabilities like Veyron or additional HP like Hellcat.
If you didn’t see Musk replacing you with AI and robots, whelp you weren’t paying attention.
Lmfao @ all y’all just feeding this troll as if he actually gives a shit what your interest rates actually are.
I’ve never seen an Italian product that was the more sensible choice. It’s always an emotional pull.