
What the hell? They thought she was an illegal immigrant because she was walking around without ID? THAT is how they determine such things? Fuck them all.

At least in my case, my fingerprints are stored in AFIS due to background checks run on me in order to be a teacher.

They just don’t care. So long as regular Americans (read white men) aren’t being victimized, everything is fine.

So true!

You’ll have a very short wait.

My brain initially auto-corrected that to Sharpay.

Trump has no respect for the law, and is actively making it harder for local law enforcement to do their jobs. There are more serious crimes being perpetrated every day, and now the police are going to have a hard time finding witnesses because lots of people are afraid of being deported.

Why is a shar-pei wearing an ICE flak vest in that top photo?

I’m not a smart man, but I figure I can guess the skin tone of each one of those people.

I can’t wait for the outpouring of outrage from conservatives who claim to be concerned about federal government overreach and jackbooted federal thugs.