
Possibly unpopular opinion: insanely fast cars on public roads is a recipe for disaster. Hellcats, Lambos, McLarens, the lot. (Teslas get a pass because you have to go through several menus to get full mind-bending power, which makes it harder for it to get away from you.) You don’t see tiny hatchbacks and Miatas

For all we know the driver had driving lessons and was emboldened by them. You don't need to be a pro driver to know that pushing a supercar to your limits on public roads is a stupid idea

“I predict there will be a lot of “more dollars than sense” comments following this story, but, it really wouldn’t be hard to have this much car get away from you”

same here, no qualms. One of them was a tractor trailer. Guy could have lost his license/job because of my call, I didn’t think twice about making the call he was a massive danger that day.

More often than I would like to, but zero qualms when doing so.

Whatever you say, sport. The EV business is about to shrink in the US— we’ll see fewer EVs sold in North America in 2019 than were moved in 2018.

Yeah, I think the jury’s still out... there’s clearly a reason Toyota and Honda, both of whom know a lot about cars, continue to invest in HFCs. They are just a much sweeter technical solution than packing a ton of laptop batteries around.

This was exactly my thought. Didn’t we just see an article about excess inventory? 

At a time when manufacturers are dealing with excess inventory, isn’t a strike just like a voluntary furlough?

Mate, for $35k you get a pile of parts on the floor that you now have to spend hundreds of man hours assembling or you pay a fortune to someone else.

I mean, Papadakis is currently known for building drift cars among other things. I imagine this is a test for a future drift car build.

1st Gear: Wall Street sucks. “Oh noes, you’re trying a big restructuring that will take a while to play out? You’ve got an EV deal with VW that might turn out great? Who cares! Let’s look at your quarterly numbers and see how you did over the last three months... Off with your head!”

It’s kinda like Bugatti going 300mph...ugh, why?

because racecar?

I didn’t know Ford made a Taurus convertible.

Fast And the Furious: Nuremberg Drift. 

Repeat after me - touchscreens are fucking awful for tasks you don’t want to look at for anything more than a second. Why people think touchscreens are good for shit like climate control and infotainment controls is beyond me.

Soon enough you’ll be able to overnight parts from Bavaria.

Won’t sell in big enough numbers? The Golf isn’t a big seller there as the Jetta is preferred.

What’s the reasoning Americans won’t buy this? The fact it’s an affordable EV will attract more people than those who’d dismiss it for not being an SUV