So you're admitting to being easily manipulated. Nice.
So you're admitting to being easily manipulated. Nice.
I'd love to see EVERY game become open world but still stay true the essence of what made each game great.
Gears of War open world (explore and battle for Sera freely and openly), BF and CoD open worlds (go on missions or just start wars in various countries and cities as you want), and many more hit games but with…
I'm gonna go fuck around in the ghetto first.
What's with those big ass shoes and balloon shorts?
WRONG, fool! where are you getting this bullshit? stop assuming. MS already said that fam sharing would not have been limited.
Exactly! It's good to hear someone else who knows what they're talking about.
You were against it, because you dont understand it and because you make incorrect assumptions about it being against freedom and choice, when it's not. If you were even a little informed, you'd know that.
The consumer in the driver seat? I feel the consumer/driver should be informed. How would you like to be in a car…
“Imagine Franklin leaves the dispensary, smokes some pot, and then completely forgets about the heist he’s supposed to commit in a hour because he really, really wants to go home, eat a pizza bagel and play, well, Grand Theft Auto.”
What the writer here fails to realize is that the protagonists in a game are basically…
Hell yeah, superman should kill. Not indescriminately, but when needed. Some people are just evil through and through and wont stop harming or killing others. These types NEED to be eliminated.
Also, why is it that heroes can regularly be killed yet, the most evil villians cant? They're just caught, imprisoned, they…
By criticizing this petition as ridiculous, this writer shows how little he actually understands about Microsoft’s originally planned application of DRM policies and requirements as well as all the benefits that they would have brought to gamers.
Owen Good, you are an uninformed idiot who like your many fellow…
They're just wierd.
Dear moron, EVERY platform gets hacked from time to time. The difference is that when XBL gets hacked, they are up and running in much quicker times and with less compromise to their account holders information than PC's and PSN. When XBL has been hacked, it's basically just amounted to no more than a brief annoyance…
“if you played the online game on Xbox 360, you wouldn't be able to play in the same world as people on PlayStation 3.” Duh!
“why would you ever just stick to one platform from the hardware aspect? Just — make it open to everyone?” There are very good reasons for this. One reason is security. If all platforms could…
Sounds like you want saints row.
I'm the same way. I actually have never completed one mission on any of the GTA games. I've only jumped right into multiplayer and i plan on doing the same on GTA 5. I MIGHT try out the single player (4 player coop would be nice to have) but no guarentees.
Looks good. Cant wait.
Contacts or glasses, dude. Better yet, get laser surgery.
No, it wasn’t a failed kinect game. It was originally going to be an Xbox 360/Kinect 1.0 game, but designers decided to hold off on it and instead to make it for next gen hardware 9possibly including some Kinect 2.0 integration.
That’s not what you’d call a failure. Rather, it was a decision to wait in order to offer…
Wtf! Whoever wrote this article did a terrible job at understanding what PJ Estevez was saying.
He wasn’t painting some bleak picture of Ryse (in fact, that wouldn’t make sense for him to criticize a game that HE was design director of). What he WAS saying is that Ryse WONT be the typical Mash to Mastery game.
PS3 versions always looked washed out and overly contrasted. So, if this is the PS3 version, imagine how much better the Xbox version will look.