
newsflash, this is supposed to be a comical goofy movie. Stop being so uptight and anal. I'm definitely going to watch this film.

I'm glad these never made it as well. Geeze they sucked

Its nothing that Kinect2 can't do. Game devs can just code their games to use your eyes to perform certain in-game actions.

So many haters with so much ignorance and hate. LOL!

Can I have your autograph?

We're on ACID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You sir, are an idiot. The problem isn't with Kinect not being useful/beneficial. The problem is with your retarded and flawed PERSONAL view of the Kinect. That is YOUR defect, not the devices. Anyone with even half a brain realizes that Kinect is so much more than just "a camera for games " (that's all the ps4 camera

This isn't an Xbox nor Kinect problem, you fucking morons. This is an idiot problem. First of all, it doesn't work that way. You don't quickly say xboxsign out for it to sign you out. It requires a slight pause between "Xbox" and "sign out." So, if you're stupid enough to say "Xbox" [then pause] then say "sign out"

Why all the hate. I don't see anything here but people having fun. Those yellowjacket guys were obviously playing along. Otherwise, they would have just left and found a new server. I don't have a gaming pc (XboxOne) but I'd love to play DayZ. Hope someday we'll get it.

This game looks ridiculously gorgeous. I cant wait to get it on my XboxOne.

And people complained so much about XBL's subscription, yet now Sony requires a subscription to game on their network and ANOTHER subscription to stream those games to other devices (which will no doubt be a laggy gaming experience).

Bullshit. They're doing exactly what they've always done. They claim their number of units sold to retailers are the number "SOLD" making easily fooled people think that consumers have actually bought 4.2 million ps4s.

Promises. Watch all the lag these features come with.

KB/M = unrealistically accurate/precise aiming

Way to misdirect people, fatboy. There's no way he means that Steam machines have sold or will sell 65 million units in the short time that it took MSFT to sell 3 million XboxOnes. He's ignorantly trying to equate and compare the number of titles sold on Steam with the number of XboxOne units sold. His choice of reply

Pop tarts

You can download your 30+ Gb games OVERNIGHT while you sleep so you wouldn't even notice how long it takes. Pre-ordered digital games download at midnight of their release date.

$9.99 for one hundred Mbps? Where? I get only 56 Mbps (Comcast cable) and it costs me some $60 per month.

Hey Sony! How about you focus on NEXT gen and stop wasting time and resources rehashing old shit.

I would have bought an X1 had it not included an optical drive —especially since they were also considering a solid state HDD. MS was pushing ahead to the future with their original policies and ideas. True, some people still have slow bandwidths and data caps. But those who understood the 24 hour always online policy