
I would think the cloud would be the same. This only applies to the check in 24 hrs. That is no longer mandatory. Also, instead of getting all of the updates while you sleep (during the 24 check in) we will now have to download any updates each time we connect online.

So was I. I wonder though, if we choose not to install this patch, will we still be able to shared games with family and have all of our games travel with us via the cloud and have all the other benefits of the original model? I hope MS gives us the option to choose NOT to install the patch and I hope they will

Uninformed morons like you will stifle gaming from advancing.

What you dont get is that those things were necessary for the experience and benefits they were trying to bring to Xbox One owners. But since so many uninformed asshats kept crying that they dont want to change, we will (I'm sure) now have a lesser experience than what MS was originally going to deliver and NOT have

I took issue with your already starting speculation that they might add it back and drum up sales later on. Stop speculating on shit for which there is cause.

Now all you crying little bitches can shut the fuck up already. I cant help but feel that because so many uninformed asshats criticized MS's original path, that now that MS has put your cries over advancing future gaming, that we'll actually be missing out of what could have been great.

Like scared bitches who refuse

stfu! It's the same thing with Sony. They still said their 3rd party publishers can charge fees /add restrictions if they want. Its the same thing.

No, trash talk is immature, shmuck.

Who cares if you're a pc gamer. If you're talking shitfor no reason, you're a bias shit talker.

Typical Sony fanboy! You criticize them when before, and now that they're willing to change to make everyone happy, you still talk shit. You're a sorry ass bitch.

What you fail to grasp is that by Xbox using its cloud service as it has, each console connected will have the processing power, memory, and storage of FOUR Xbox One consoles. Therefore, whereas PS4 has 8 GB of RAM, Xbox One owners will have the equevalent of four times that.

Again, just because YOU personally dont

Laughable. So because you claim to have worked for Ms, I guess I should just believe you. In reality, you’re more likely to be some middle aged, pasty, obese dude in a stained tank top in your mother’s basement playing WoW all day.

Your logic and reasoning are so flawed it’s remarkable. So, just because SimCity didn’t

Sony's response:

"We are sorry that we suck balls. We are investigating why we suck balls, but please buy a PS4 so we can continue to prove you with shitty service."

That's what's really behind all this Xbox One hate. So many bias sony fanboys just keep misinforming people and making it seem like Sony will play used games and Xbox One wont when they BOTH can play used games, and BOTH are leaving the option to add restrictions/fees to used games to game publishers. Additionally,

They allow you to download either MP or SP first (instead of just both at the same time, because their network cant immediately download them both fast enough. XBL will allow you to instantly download and entire game in much less time while playing it. Oh, and no loading times at all either. PS4 cant do that

It's not just the marketing folks that are making these statements. A number of MS designers as well as non-MS game publishers and engineers are all stating the same. But instead of just accepting their info and explainations and without any evidence to prove them wrong, you simply reject their info soley because you

The so-called master backs away.

You obviously didnt even read the article and are therefore dont even know what I was referring to when I stated they are doing similar to what MS is doing (eventhough the article makes the same statement).

LOL! Nice back out.

Calling you dumb was just me stating fact. Mad? No, not at all. Infact, I'm laughing at how dumb and uniformed you are. And what holes did you poke in any of the information I presented? Oh that's right! None. Have fun being delusional.