road_pizza v 2.0

Now that’s just stupid... and I love it!

Found the killjoy.

Even Sprinters are better and that’s saying something!

Geebus, that thing looks like a whole busload of kids waving! Some people should not be allowed anywhere near a bucket of Bondo!

That... is NASTY. Kill it with fire, please!

A fresh dog turd is better looking than the current Silverado, just sayin’.

Does it come with a bowling ball cannon?

I’m always up for a Hummer.

Uh, yea. You DO know that the vast majority of full-size 4X4 pickups have IFS, right???

That’s your opinion and you’re sticking to it ;) !


That thing is HIDEOUS. Kill it with fire, please.

Courier FTMFW!!!

I get A Plan so I buy Ford.

The same time they learn that ugly exteriors don’t sell.

“GM is focused on profits, not market share.”

But you’d still be stuck with a Frontier, the butt-ugliest truck on the market. Well, until the ‘19 Silverado came out, anyway.

I get A Plan so IDGAF about list price :D .

And about worthless after 3 years.

I’ve sat in both the Taco and the Ranger, I’ll take the Ranger thankyouverymuch. If I wanted to sit on the floor I’d buy a sports car, not a truck.