road_pizza v 2.0

Great for mall crawling.


True story, my ‘72 F100 didn’t come with a factory rear bumper.

Reminds me of those good old daze when people would replace the rotted rear bumpers on their various and sundry Malaise era Ford and GM vehicles. 

Not enough stars.



Following that thing on a sunny day would give me a headache right quick!

The good news is he doesn’t miss you either. Win-win.

Like I needed another reason to dislike Philly. Time for this guy to install a cam with 360° view and with any luck catch the dickless little turd that’s doing this shit.

Yes, those angry grilles are fugly as hell but they’re only superficial and easily removed. The only way to remove a current Prius’s ugly is to run one through an industrial shredder.

I stand by my words. Those grilles, as ugly and tasteless as they are, aren’t even remotely as ugly as the current Prius. Not. Even. Close.

Hell, the doors auctomatically locked @ 10mph in my ‘05 Crown Vic.

If he could do that he’d never leave the house, just sayin’.

I beg to differ, not enough rust.

Well that’s just stupid and pointless. I want it.

As obnoxious as those angry Jeeps faces are they’re nowhere near as fugly as the current Prius.

Maybe if the current Prius wasn’t so damned ugly it might sell better... just sayin’.

If it’s half as good as “Rush” then bring it on!

Nope. When I’m done with a vehicle I’m done with it physically and emotionally.