road_pizza v 2.0

Oh, IDK, maybe because bridges cost millions of dollars that municipalities don’t have??? Or maybe people need to just PY THE FUCK ATTENTION TO WHAT THEY’RE DOING?!?!? You know, that “personal responsibility” thing???

What a fucking DUMBASS!!! When one is crossing multiple tracks always, and I mean ALWAYS, assume that there WILL be a train on the other track(s) and look both ways before crossing. That gawddamned stupid cop is damn lucky to be alive.

You already know the answer...

And TruCoat, doancha know..

Too soon? That happened in 1984! Hell, at least half the posters here at Jalopnik weren’t even born yet!


Bernie Getz?

Stop with the fucking hyperbole already, this guy’s no “supervillan”, he’s just some jackoff the gets his rocks off fucking with NYC’s subways. Quit giving this jackoff what he wants... publicity. Ignore him and he’ll go away.

Ummmm... that’s AMAZING. Absolutely amazing!

Talk about shitty luck!

Never liked the looks of these cars but I won’t let that cloud my judgement. This thing’s a unicorn in this condition and that makes it a no-brainer NP.

Wow :-( .

It’s far worse on the train crew, they have to live with it the rest of their lives.

Funny, I see people driving Souls dressed like that damn near every day...

I like C5's, but, no.

The only problem with buying a 3rd gen F Body is that you’d own a 3rd gen F Body...

For some reason I have a strong attraction to C4's (especially the late ones) and seeing as this one’s clean with low miles and a six speed I gotta go NP.

Doesn’t make it right. Or safe.

“It lacks the advanced situational awareness...”

No, you’re definitely not alone.