road_pizza v 2.0

At least in the summer.

This. See: Linndale.


Happens in Cleveland, trust me. Although not to me.

Live in the metro Cleveland area, can confirm.

Translation translation: a blanket ass covering.

New York pulling a parking scam? Tell me that ain’t so!

We non-New Yorkers like to read about your suffering.

I’ve been there once, have zero desire to ever return.

The boonies are awesome, you should visit them sometime. Maybe it’ll help you with that superiority problem.

Fuck that.

The term “flyover states” didn’t form in a vacuum, buddy. People like you coined that term. Deal with it.

Sounds like the answer to a question no one has asked.

Huh. I must not be part of “everybody” because I wouldn’t be caught dead in that ugly turd.

And is anybody really surprised? After all, Musk IS a USDA Grade A+ prime choice asshole.

I own a ‘78 Fairmont, is that unusual enough for you :) ?

And you’d be stuck with the butt-ugliest Corvette ever, albeit a faster one than as built. I’ll take the Fury, thankyouverymuch.

I hear ya.

V8 RWD goodness, where do I sign? NP.

Found the pedant.