road_pizza v 2.0

I once drove a brand new ‘86 Shove-it from Cleveland to Philly. Fuck those steaming piles of shit.

Well, that’s just stupid and useless. Take my money, please.

This... is pure genius.

Sounds like a good time ;-)

Mucking forons.

Context is everything.

I’m pretty sure he doesn’t cross any busy streets when he walks to his bedroom at night, just saying.

Found the guy that doesn’t believe in “stop lines”.

Then pay your damn taxes. Problem solved.

“Trump craime family”??? Look, I despise tRump as much as anybody but seriously? Loosen up that tinfoil hat there, son, it’s damaging your brain.

This guy gets it.

“Multiple types of criminal and arrest records which can do much of the same things.”

And you know that how???

Like I needed another reason to despise the Chinese government.

Couldn’t have said it better myself.

A lot of progress would be made if people paid attention while driving instead of checking their Facegram/Instachat/Twitbook/Snaptter feeds while behind the wheel, just saying.

I would argue that those stopping at a yellow are the ones most responsible for traffic accidents.” And I would argue (and win said argument) that you are a moron.

Tell your friend to stop eating paint chips.

I’d say he’s dumber than a bag of hammers.

“How could the sign know when the light is GOING to be red? Does it guess? What if it was wrong” An engineer said THAT?!?!? I hope like hell I never have to cross paths with anything he engineered!